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The major fire in the joinery in Kehrsatz leads to heavy smoke, soot, and a stench. Alertswiss, the federal alarm app, advises closing windows and doors in the area and driving around the area.


Alarm for the population after a carpentry fire in Kehrsatz BE

The fire on Kirchackerweg broke out early Tuesday morning. Flames and smoke could be seen far and wide. The fire is causing traffic delays.

The fire brigade is on-site with a large contingent, as a correspondent for the Keystone-SDA news agency stated. A tall column of smoke rises fairly straight into the sky and then drifts northwest for the moment. There are many soot particles in the air, some of which are clearly visible to the naked eye.

Grossbrand in Bern / Schweiz #grossbrand #feuer #Feuerwehr #Bern #schweiz #kehrsatz #feuerundflamme

— FreedomxPower (@FreedomxPower) September 20, 2022

According to the correspondent, the air in the village of Kehrsatz is not so bad because the column of smoke rises straight up and then drifts towards the forest.

Flames repeatedly erupted from the building.

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