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Brief Introduction of Saddam Hussein

Born: April 28, 1937, Iraq

Died: December 30, 2006 (age 69) Baghdad Iraq

Title/Office: President (1979–2003), Iraq

Political affiliation: Ba’ath Party-Bath Party

Notable Family Members: Sons- Uday Hussain and Qusay Hussain

Brief Introduction of Saddam Hussein

      Saddam Hussein or Saddam Usain (also spelled addām usayn), also known by his full name ‘Saddam Sussanne al-Tikriti’, was born on April 28, 1937, in Al-Awjah, Iraq. He died on December 30, 2006, Baghdad). He was the President of Iraq (1979–2003) and whose regime was known to be brutal. He fought costly and unsuccessful wars against neighboring countries.

The Early Life of Saddam Hussein

    Saddam was born in a village near the city of Tikrat in northern Iraq. He was the son of a farmer. This area of ​​the city of Tikrat was one of the poorest in the country and Saddam himself grew up in poverty. His father died before he was born, and he moved to Baghdad to live with one of his uncles at an early age.

     He joined the Ba’ath Party in 1957. In 1959 he participated in an unsuccessful attempt by the Ba’athists to assassinate the Iraqi prime minister, Abd al-Karim Qasim; Saddam was wounded in this attempt and fled first to Syria and then to Egypt. He attended Cairo Law School (1962–63) and continued his studies at Baghdad Law College after the Ba’athists came to power in Iraq in 1963. However, in the same year the Ba’athists were overthrown and Saddam spent several years in prison in Iraq. He escaped, becoming leader of the Ba’ath Party, and was instrumental in the coup that brought the party back to power in 1968. Saddam effectively took power in Iraq with the president, the head of state. Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, and in 1972 he directed the nationalization of Iraq’s oil industry.

Saddam Hussein’s term as President of Iraq

     Saddam began claiming open control of the government in 1979 and became president upon Bakr’s resignation. He then became the President of the Revolutionary Command Council and Prime Minister with other positions. He used an extensive secret-police establishment to suppress any internal opposition to his regime, and he made himself the object of a widespread personality cult among the Iraqi public. His goal as president was to overthrow Egypt as the leader of the Arab world and to gain hegemony over the Persian Gulf.

war with Iran

      Saddam launched an invasion of Iran’s oil fields in September 1980, but the campaign was mired in war. The cost of the war and the interruption of Iraq’s oil exports forced Saddam to curtail his ambitious programs for economic development. The Iran–Iraq War remained in stalemate until 1988 when both countries accepted a ceasefire which ended the fighting. Despite the large foreign debt with which Iraq found itself saddened by the end of the war, Saddam continued to build up its armed forces.

Right over Kuwait

       In August 1990, Iraqi forces occupied the neighboring country of Kuwait. Saddam clearly intended to use that country’s oil giant revenues to bolster Iraq’s economy, but his occupation of Kuwait led to a worldwide trade embargo against Iraq. Despite the passage of United Nations (UN) resolutions condemning the creation and occupation of a large US-led military force in Saudi Arabia and authorizing the use of force to end it, he continued to withdraw his forces from Kuwait. Ignored the appeal. The Persian Gulf War began on January 16, 1991 and ended six weeks later when the United Military Alliance pulled Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. Iraq’s crushing defeat sparked internal insurgency by both Shia and Kurds, but Saddam suppressed their rebellion, forcing thousands to flee to refugee camps along the country’s northern border. Untold thousands were murdered, many simply disappeared in the regime’s prisons.

Saddam Hussein Death

US and UK airstrikes on Iraq

     As part of a cease-fire agreement with the United Nations, Iraq was prohibited from producing or possessing chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. A number of sanctions were imposed on the country pending compliance, and this caused serious disruption to the Iraqi economy. Saddam’s continued refusal to cooperate with UN weapons inspectors led to a four-day airstrikes by the United States and Great Britain in late 1998 (Operation Desert Fox). Both countries announced that they would support Iraqi opposition efforts to oust Saddam, whose regime had become increasingly brutal under UN sanctions, but the Iraqi leader allowed UN weapons inspectors to enter his country. stopped doing it.

     Meanwhile, it became clear that Saddam was preparing one of his sons—Uday or Qusay—as his successor. Both were promoted to senior positions, and both reflected their father’s cruelty. Furthermore, Saddam continued to consolidate his control at home, while he took a deeply defiant and anti-American stance in his rhetoric. Although there was increasingly fear at home, Saddam was seen by many in the Arab world as the only regional leader in what they saw as American aggression.

 In the wake of the September 11 attacks in the United States in 2001, the US government sought to renew the disarmament process, stating that Saddam could provide chemical or biological weapons to terrorist groups. Although Saddam allowed UN weapons inspectors to return to Iraq in November 2002, his failure to fully cooperate with the investigation disappointed the United States and Great Britain and prompted them to announce the end of diplomacy. did.

US attack on Iraq 20 March 2003

    On March 17, 2003, the U.S. President. George W. Bush ordered Saddam to step down and leave Iraq or face war within 48 hours; He also indicated that, even if Saddam left the country, the US military might be needed to stabilize the new government and search for weapons of mass destruction. When Saddam refused to leave, the U.S. and Allied forces invaded Iraq on March 20

     The beginning of the Iraq War was an American aircraft attack on a bunker complex in which Saddam was believed to be present along with subordinates. Although the attack failed to kill the Iraqi leader, subsequent attacks against Saddam made it clear that destroying him was a major goal of the invasion. Always adamant in his tone, Saddam called Iraqis to the U.S. and called on his life to stop British forces, but resistance to the invasion soon collapsed, and on April 9, the day Baghdad surrendered to American troops, Saddam fled into hiding. He took the bulk of the national treasure with him and was initially able to avoid capture by American troops. His sons, Uday and Qusay, were killed in Mosul on 22 July, but by 13 December Saddam was finally captured. The once dapper leader is dragged, disorganized and dirty from a small underground hiding place near a farmhouse in the vicinity of Tikrat. Although he was armed, Saddam surrendered to American troops without firing a single shot.

Saddam’s trial and death penalty

Saddam's trial and death penalty

     In October 2005, Saddam was tried before the Iraqi High Tribunal, a panel court set up to prosecute former Iraqi government officials. He and several codependents were indicted in 1982 for the murder of 148 townspeople in the predominantly Shia city of al-Dujayal. During the nine-month trial, Saddam interrupted the proceedings with outbursts of anger, claiming that the tribunal was a sham and that the U.S. Behind this was serving his own interests. The tribunal eventually adjourned in July 2006 and delivered its decision in November. Saddam was convicted of crimes against humanity, including willful murder, illegal imprisonment, deportation and torture, and sentenced to death. Saddam’s half-brother (an intelligence officer) and former chief justice of Iraq were also sentenced to death. Saddam was executed in December 2006, days after an Iraqi court upheld his sentence.

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