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 What is ‘Hamas’, which has fired four thousand rockets on Israel so far, only causes damage of crores by rockets worth 22 to 55 thousand, know how?

    Hamas was established in 1980. This organization then stood against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the organization of Yasser Arafat, who was advocating for the independence of Palestine. There are claims that Hamas was initially provided financial aid from Israel itself, so that the PLO could be controlled.


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      It has been almost 10 days since the fighting between Israel and the radical organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Rocket launches and missile attacks are continuing from both sides. Israel has so far held the lead with advanced technology and precision-hit airstrikes and has inflicted significant damage on Hamas, albeit one with casualties on both sides. While 230 people have died in Gaza so far, 12 people have also died in Israel. Despite this, rocket attacks from Hamas continue. According to a report by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), more than 4,000 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza since the conflict began on May 10.

     How does Hamas attack Israel?

    It is said that the hardline attackers of Hamas usually fire rockets at Israel during the night. They are destroyed by the Iron Dome system that saves Israel. However, due to the large number of times, Iron Dome is able to eliminate up to 90 percent of the rockets and the remaining 10 percent reach the general public of Israel.

    According to missile experts, Hamas attacks Israel with multiple rockets at once. Most of the Hamas fighters are known to be experts in making low-tech short-range rockets. These fighters make rockets between 300 to 800 dollars (about 22 thousand to 55 thousand rupees). Hamas uses most of the Kasam rockets, which it fires simultaneously.

Israel uses the Iron Dome system in response to these rocket attacks by Hamas. The missiles of this missile defense system destroy the rocket by flying itself. According to Tal Inber, former president of the Space Research Center at the Fish Institute, the cost of the Iron Dome system’s surefire interceptor missile is between $50,000 and $100,000 (Rs 40 lakh to 80 lakh). That is, to penetrate many rockets, a large fleet of these missiles is destroyed.

Know what is Hamas?: 

      In the midst of Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip, it is important to know that what is Hamas, an extremist organization fighting against it? In fact, since its formation in 1948, Israel has been constantly accused of occupying Palestinian territory. Israel captured most of the West Bank and Gaza Strip after the 1967 Six-Day War. Yasser Arafat’s People’s Liberation Organization (PLO) was continuously opening a front to annex these areas back to Palestine.

Israel has been accused of raising Hamas: It is said that Hamas was founded in 1980. This organization then stood against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the organization of Yasser Arafat, who was advocating for the independence of Palestine. There are claims that Hamas was initially provided financial aid from Israel itself, so that the PLO could be controlled. However, till now it has not been confirmed from any side.

What has been the purpose of Hamas?: 

  The extremist organization Hamas does not recognize Israel. That is, he wants to destroy Israel completely. For this, the organization has opened an armed front against Israel, unlike Arafat’s PLO. The emblem of Hamas depicts a Palestinian nation consisting of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank along with Jerusalem. It is worth noting that while Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization was a secular faction, Hamas is a completely Islamic fundamentalist organization.

The rise of Hamas after the 1987 uprising: Hamas first came into the mainstream after the 1987 intifada (uprising). In fact, Palestinians took to the streets in large numbers to protest the occupation of Israel. Later, on the initiative of the European country Norway, Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo Accord with Israel. However, Hamas never acceded to the deal and continued attacks against Israel.

Hamas enforces rule on the Gaza Strip, where are the attacks on Israel?: Under the Oslo Accords, Israel pulled out settlements from the Gaza Strip in 2005, reducing its military. After this, the dominance of Hamas started there. The organization won elections there by participating in political activities and violence against the leaders of the PLO organization Fatah, forcing the leaders of the PLO to move to the West Bank. Since then, the West Bank region is controlled by Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party, while Gaza has been controlled by Hamas.

Hamas constantly attacks Israel from this Gaza Strip. Usually after the first attack, Hamas fighters talk about fighting for self-defense. There have been bloody encounters between this extremist organization and the Israeli army in 2008, 2009, 2012 and 2014.

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