IAS is one of the most IAS prestigious Indian services in the country. To become an IAS, one has to be successful in the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exam conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission. The fundamental idea related to this service should know the IAS Full form in English. Let us tell you that the full form of IAS is Indian Administrative Services.

IAS full form in English
UPSC conducts recruitment examinations for various posts every year. One of the lists is the IAS exam. Although we do not believe that the aspirants appearing for this exam will not know about IAS full form in Hindi, however, it is always beneficial to re-learn about this all-India exam. There may be some unknown facts about this exam, which you can know through this article, which will surely help you in the preparation for the IAS Exam.
Full form of ‘IAS’ and more information about IAS
IAS full form Indian Administrative Services in English
What is the salary of an IAS?
It ranges from the basic pay of Under Secretary/Assistant Secretary – Rs 56100 to the basic pay of Cabinet Secretary – Rs 250000.
What is the qualification to become an IAS?
The minimum age limit to appear in the exam for the general category is UPSC Age Limit 21.
What is the minimum educational qualification for IAS?
Bachelor’s degree from a university/college recognized by the Central and State Governments
What are the duties of an IAS officer?
IAS officers are the backbone of the Indian Administrative Service (bureaucracy).
What is the IAS exam?
IAS Exam is an all-India level exam. It is a part of the Civil Services Exam.
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What is the full form of IAS?
IAS is one of the three major All-India Services of the country along with IPS and IFOS. The full form of IAS is ‘Indian Administrative Service’.
IAS exam information
Aspirants preparing for the IAS exam are expected to go through the relevant important exam information before appearing for this exam:
What is the minimum and maximum age limit for the IAS exam?
The UPSC Civil Services Examination has a fixed age of 21 to 32 years for the general category and SC and ST candidates can appear in the examination till the age of 21-40 years.
What is the exam fee for appearing in the IAS exam?
There is a fixed fee for an IAS exam which has to be paid during the application process. Rs.100 for the general category and no fee for sc, st Ex-Serviceman/ PwD/ Female.
How to get enough study material for IAS exam preparation?
According to the different topics that will be asked in the exam, a candidate will have a lot of sources of information available online and offline to study.
How many chances do OBC category candidates get in the IAS exam?
After the relaxation given to the OBC candidate in the maximum number of attempts to appear in the examination, the OBC category candidate gets three additional attempts to appear in the examination in comparison to the general candidate.
How many chances do SC candidates get in the UPSC exam?
Scheduled Caste candidates get unlimited chances to appear in the IAS exam up to the prescribed maximum age.
How many chances does a general category candidate get to appear in the IAS exam?
A candidate belonging to the general category gets 6 chances to appear in this exam.
How many questions should be attempted to crack the UPSC Mains exam?
To crack the UPSC exam one has to attempt a maximum number of questions as each and every mark is very important to make it to the final merit list.
What to do if you fail the interview for the IAS exam?
UPSC exam is conducted every year. If a candidate fails at any stage, he has to start again from the preliminary examination.
Is it good to take coaching for the IAS exam?
Whether or not to take coaching for UPSC aspirants is a personal decision. There are many candidates who have achieved success without any coaching. If you want, you can take the help of coaching institutes, but you will have to work hard. Depending on the interest and availability, both coaching centers and online coaching can be taken.
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How to become an IAS officer? , How to become an IAS officer?
We all know that IAS officers are an integral part of the All India Administrative Services, they serve under the Central Government as well as State cadres, depending on their deputation. During the colonial period, it was known as the Indian Civil Service or the Indian Imperial Service (ICS). After independence, ICS was renamed IAS (Indian Administrative Service).
We have already told you that the minimum educational qualification required to become an IAS officer is graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
Direct Recruitment – The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) of India is tasked with the recruitment of IAS officers along with the IPS, IRS, and other major Group A (and some Group B) services. UPSC recruits officers for All India Services and Central Services through the prestigious Civil Services Examination.
Promotion from state civil service
How many hours of study will be sufficient to crack the IAS exam?
Most people say that 16-18 hours of intense study is required daily to crack the IAS exam. People also generally believe that during IAS exam preparation, IAS aspirants should not indulge in any other work and should waste minimum time on daily tasks. In this article, we have suggested IAS aspirants stay away from such misconceptions and the strategy to be followed during IAS exam preparation to crack the IAS exam.
Focus on the quality of studies, not on time
Qualifying in the IAS exam does not depend on the amount of time but on the effectiveness and quality of a study. An IAS aspirant should not only count the study period while preparing for the IAS exam but should put more emphasis on how beneficial the study done in the same period is proving to be.
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9-10 hours of daily study is considered ideal for IAS exam preparation if IAS aspirants are able to maintain their concentration during these hours. A commitment to study for a duration of 9-10 hours daily is essential for IAS aspirants. If on some day due to some reason you are not able to study for a regular period, then definitely make up for it the next day.
Qualifying in the IAS exam does not depend on the amount of time but on the effectiveness and quality of a study. An IAS aspirant should not only count the study period while preparing for the IAS exam but should put more emphasis on how beneficial the study done in the same period is proving to be.
Functions of IAS officers:
IAS – Worked as the chief officer of the administrative service of the Center and the States. They are the focal points of the bureaucracy of the parliamentary system of the Indian Constitution.
Read about the duties of an IAS officer here.
IAS officers can be part of district administration, the state secretariat, and the central secretariat. The highest-ranking IAS officer in India is the Cabinet Secretary.
They look after law and order, and general administration
Collector, District Magistrate, Chief Development Officer, Executive Magistrate, and District Development Commissioner are some of the major posts held by IAS officers
An IAS officer may also be entrusted with the responsibility of managing Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).
IAS officers handle the day-to-day affairs of the government
Indian Administrative Service officers are involved in policy formulation and policy implementation.
IAS officers are often tasked with overseeing public fund management
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IAS Officer Monthly Salary in India – 7th Pay Commission
The new pay structure has done away with the system of pay grades for various Indian civil services and introduced a consolidated pay scale as recommended by the Seventh Central Pay Commission. Now the pay scale of IAS (Indian Civil Service) is fixed only on Basic Pay with TA (Travelling Allowance), DA (Dearness Allowance), and HRA (House Rent Allowance).
Pay Level Basic Pay (INR) Number of years in essential service Designation
District Administration – State Secretariat – Central Secretariat
10 – 56100 -1-4 Sub-Divisional Judge, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary
11- 67,700 – 5-8 Additional District Magistrate, Deputy Secretary Under, Secretary
12 – 78,800 – 9-12 District Officer, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary
13 1,18,500 13-16 District Officer Special Secretary-cum-Director
14 1,44,200 16-24 Divisional Commissioner Secretary-cum-Commissioner Joint Secretary
15 1,82,200 25-30 Divisional Commissioner Principal Secretary Additional Secretary
16 2,05,400 30-33 No equivalent rank Additional Chief Secretary No equivalent rank
17 2,25,000 34-36 No equivalent rank Chief Secretary Secretary
18 2,50,000 37+ years No equivalent rank Cabinet Secretary of India
Questions related to IAS full form
What is the full form of IAS?
The full form of IAS is Indian Administrative Service.
What are the powers of an IAS officer?
An Indian Administrative Service officer may be a part of the state cadre or may also be on central deputation. At the state level, the district administrative machinery is under the control of an IAS officer in the initial years of his career. With time and good performance, IAS officers can represent India abroad, head PSUs and become cabinet secretaries.
What is the full form of IPS?
The full form of IPS is Indian Police Service.
Which rank is good for IAS?
Every aspirant should have the desire to top the Indian Administrative Services Examination. A rank between 1-50 should be desirable for general category candidates. Although the final All India Rank for IAS, IPS, and IFS varies annually to get the final All India Rank; Candidates should focus on being in the top 50.