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You have to be careful, mobile blast. A woman died in her sleep when her mobile phone kept near her head exploded.

Most of us keep our mobiles aside while sleeping. A woman took her own life for doing so. This incident came to light in Delhi. The woman is using a Redmi 6A mobile. Apparently, her son is in the army. In this sequence, she used the phone at night .. and slept on the pillow near her head.

You have to be careful, mobile blast. A woman died in her sleep when her mobile phone kept near her head exploded.
imahe credit-social media

The mobile exploded around midnight. As a result, she suffered serious head injuries and bled badly, and died. Manjeet, who runs a YouTube channel named MD Talk, disclosed this on his Twitter account. ‘My aunt passed away last night. She is using Redmi 6A. At night she sleeps with it near her pillow.

Hi @RedmiIndia @manukumarjain@s_anuj Yesterday in Night my Aunty found dead 😭, she was using Redmi 6A, she was sleeping & she kept the phone near her face on pillow side & after sometime her phone blast. It’s a bad time for us. It’s a responsibility of a brand to support🙏

— MD Talk YT (Manjeet) (@Mdtalk16) September 9, 2022

Within no time it exploded and she died. This is a very sad time for us. The onus is on the brand to help us out,” he tweeted. He also shared pictures of torn mobile phones. Along with this, he also shared a photo of a woman covered in blood. Seeing this, netizens are angry with Redmi. They are seeking help for the family. The Redmi company revealed that they are also investigating the incident.

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