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    You will hardly find anyone who does not like to eat chocolate. Whether you’re having a brutal heartbreak or cherishing happy moments, the luscious taste of chocolate can instantly brighten your day.


World Chocolate Day: Eating personalized chocolate can improve productivity

     World Chocolate Day is celebrated on 7 July, and one can take advantage of the opportunity to take a peek into the positives of chocolate when consumed in moderation. You will hardly find anyone who does not like chocolate. Whether you’re having a brutal heartbreak or cherishing happy moments, the luscious taste of chocolate can instantly brighten your day.

    But did you know that it can also boost your productivity exponentially? Yes, recent studies have proven that eating chocolate is a treat for your taste buds and a great productivity booster.

    Let’s delve deeper into the ways that eating chocolate can boost your cognitive function and how to choose the best chocolate for a better workflow. The Science Behind Chocolate and Improved Cerebral Performance Chocolates with a high percentage of cocoa content is proven to positively affect the problem of attention span. -Resolution, memory, and stress management. The flavonoids in cocoa accelerate cognitive function and allow you to focus with increased focused energy.

   Instead of repeatedly leaving your work table to get yourself several cups of coffee, you can simply steal a piece of cocoa-rich chocolate. A block or two of this luscious treat is enough to help you reminisce yourself and deal with an afternoon slump. Choosing the right chocolate to reap its productivity-related benefits won’t do much for your productivity more than grabbing another chocolate bar you can find on the shelf. In fact, excessive consumption of problematic candy bars can lead to adverse health issues. Thus, be careful while selecting your productivity booster treatment.

Opt for dark chocolate. Consuming dark chocolate with at least 60-70% cocoa is good for your brain function. It helps you to become more attentive and committed to your actions.

Avoid milk chocolate. They lack cocoa ingredients and do nothing for a spirited display. Also, they are mostly made of sugar.

Avoid chocolate with high artificial sugar content. Artificial sugar leads to a lack of concentration and laziness. Look for natural sources of sugar in the ingredients list.

Furthermore, in addition to these general criteria for chocolate selection, chocolate selection can also be individualized on the basis of psychological personality understood through name and date of birth.

How does eating chocolate increase your productivity?

Chocolate can be a game-changer for your productivity in the following ways –

Fights erratic sleep patterns and midday slump
– As a result of our body’s natural response to circadian rhythms, we all experience slight fuzziness in the afternoon. This causes a drop in our energy levels, which makes us sleepy, reduces our focus, and makes it difficult to concentrate on tasks. 

   Eating a square of chocolate in the morning or afternoon helps fight the slowdown in performance and keeps us productive. It is also helpful in fighting improper sleep cycles and laziness. However, the consumption of chocolate before bedtime should be avoided. The caffeine in dark chocolate can disrupt the quality of your sleep by stimulating your nervous system.

Enhances memory, alertness, and problem-solving skills
– The wonderful ingredients of delicious chocolate aid in better blood flow to the brain. In turn, a major increase is seen in your cognitive abilities such as reaction time, problem-solving skills, and concentration span. 

    This is proven by recent research where a group of young, healthy adults participated in the consumption of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70%. The results were recorded after 2 hours of consumption and were astonishing. According to the report, participants who ate dark chocolate experienced an increase in verbal episodic memory compared to those who consumed milk chocolate.

Contributes to a delicious recovery from stress—ever wonder why Hollywood suggests reaching for a big bar of chocolate whenever a major life-turning event goes through? Well, they have a reason. 

  The mouth-watering dessert contains a natural stimulant called phenethylamine (PEA). PEA results in the natural production of the feel-good hormone “dopamine” and the cognition-regulating hormone “norepinephrine.” On the other hand, it also reduces the production of the stress hormone called “cortisol”. The combined effect of these three results in the World Chocolate Day: Eating personalized chocolate can improve productivity

You will hardly find anyone who does not like to eat chocolate. Whether you’re having a brutal heartbreak or cherishing happy moments, the luscious taste of chocolate can instantly brighten your day.

World Chocolate Day is celebrated on 7 July, and one can take advantage of the opportunity to take a peek into the p

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