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        200 General Knowledge Quiz of Ancient India History-Today we will tell you the information about the ancient history of India in this post in question answers. This information is useful for all of us. Today in all the competition examinations, many questions related to the ancient history of India are asked. If you are preparing for this post, then all of them have answered very important questions related to History of India General Knowledge pdf, Indian History General Knowledge Quiz Indian History Questions, And Answers History Questions and Answers pdf. Read them carefully. very useful for you

200 General Knowledge Quiz of Ancient India History


200 General Knowledge Quiz of Ancient India History

1. Who first addressed India as India?
Answer- The Greeks

2. From where have we got the evidence of rice?
Answer. Rangpur and Lothal

3. What was the capital of the Vardhana dynasty?
Answer. Thaneshwar

4. What is the meaning of Mesopotamia?
Answer. the land between two rivers

5. In which period was chalk (Potter’s wheel) invented?
Answer. in the Neolithic

6. Who founded Srinagar?
Answer. Ashoka, on the banks of the river Vitasta

7. What were the 11 disciples of Mahavir called?
Answer. Gandhar

8. Which was the southernmost site of the Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer. Daimabad, Ahmed Nagar, Maharashtra

9. What was the capital of the Hoysala dynasty?
Answer. Dwar Samudra

10. What was the initial capital of Gango?
Answer. Kolar

11. In whose reign did the fourth Buddhist council take place?
Answer. Kanishk

12. Who is the author of Prithviraj Raso?
Answer. Chandravardai

13. Who was the originator of Sakhya philosophy?
Answer. Kapil Muni

14. When did the Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang come to India?
Answer. Between 630 and 644 AD

15. Who was the successor of Samudragupta?
Answer. Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya)

16. What were the two sects of Jainism?
Answer. Shvetambara and Digambara

17. In which period fire was invented?
Answer. in the Palaeolithic

18. Which was the easternmost site of the Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer. Alamgirpur, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh

19. Which is considered the most sacred river in Rigveda?
Answer. Saraswati river

20. Who was the founder of the Gahadwal dynasty?
Answer. Chandaradev

21. In which dynasty was the Manusmriti written?
Answer. during the time of the Sunga dynasty

22. Who was the first follower of Mahavira?
Answer. Mahavir’s son-in-law Jamali

23. Who was the founder of the Sen dynasty?
Answer. Samant Sen

24. What was the name of Gautam Buddha’s father?
Answer. Shuddhodhan

25. Who was the last king of the Chola dynasty?
Answer. Rajendra III

26. Who was the founder of the Rashtrakuta dynasty?
Answer. Dantidurga

27. From where is the famous national sentence of India ‘Satyamev Jayate’ taken?
Answer. from Mundakopanishad

28. Who is considered the real founder of Jainism?
Answer. to Mahavir Jain

29. When was the second Jain Sabha organized?
Answer. in 512 AD

30. Who is the author of Ashtadhyai?
Answer. Panini

31. Which is considered to be the Veda of Tantra-Mantra?
Answer. Atharvaveda

32. What was the name of Ashoka’s father?
Answer. Bindusara

33. Who discovered Mohenjodaro?
Answer. Rakhaldas Banerjee, in the year 1922

34. Who was the first woman to enter the Buddhist Sangha?
Answer. Prajapati Gautami, step mother of Gautam Buddha

35. Under whose chairmanship was the Fourth Buddhist Council held?
Answer. Vasumitra and Asvaghosha

36. Who is considered the first author of Samaveda?
Answer. to Jamney

37. Which was the first animal domesticated by primitive man?
Answer. Dog

38. Which is the oldest Veda?
Answer. Rigveda

39. What was the second capital of Kanishka?
Answer. Mathura

40. Who was the founder of the Pala dynasty?
Answer. Gopal

41. Who built the Lingaraj temple in Bhubaneswar?
Answer. Raja Yayati Kesari

42. To which dynasty did Mahatma Buddha belong?
Answer. from the Shakya dynasty

43. Who founded the Chalukya dynasty of Kalyani?
Answer. Tailap II

44. Where was the second Jain Sabha held?
Answer. in Vallabhi

45. Who started the circulation of Inscriptions in India?
Answer. Ashoka

46. ​​What is the ultimate goal of life in Jainism?
Answer. Nirvana

47. Who was the founder and first ruler of the Pallava dynasty?
Answer. Singhvishnu

48. What is the literal meaning of Nirvana?
Answer. Extinguishing the lamp

49. When was the first Jain Sabha organized?
Answer. 322 to 298 BCE

50. How is the Kharoshthi script written?
Answer. from right to left

51. Who built the famous Tat Temple?
Answer. Pallava ruler Narasimha Varman II

52. What is the literal meaning of Dholavira?
Answer. White well

53. Which Goddess was worshiped by the people of Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer. Mother Goddess

54. Who added the fifth Mahavrata ‘Brahmacharya’ in the four Mahavratas of Parshvanath?
Answer. by Mahavir Swami

55. When was the fourth Buddhist council held?
Answer. First century

56. By what other names is Ashoka known?
Answer. Devnaam Priya and Priyadarshi

57. From where did the Aryans come to India?
Answer. from central Asia

58. Who was the founder of Shvetambara?
Answer. Sthulbhadra

59. Who was the first powerful ruler of the Haryanka dynasty?
Answer. Bimbisara

60. Who was the founder of the Shung dynasty?
Answer. Pushyamitra Shunga

61. Who was the last ruler of the Chauhan dynasty?
Answer. Prithviraj III

62. Mudrarakshasa was written by whom?
Answer. by Visakhadutt

63. What is the symbol of Mahatma Buddha?
Answer. Horse

64. Who was the 23rd Tirthankara of Jainism?
Answer. Parshwanath

65. Chandragupta Maurya had defeated the foundation of the Maurya dynasty was defeated?
Answer. by defeating Dhanand

66. Lothal is situated on the bank of which river?
Answer. In Gujarat, on the banks of river Bhogwa

67. Which are the mandalas added later in Rigveda?
Answer. first and tenth

68. Ashoka’s name Ashoka is found in which inscription?
Answer. In Maski and Gurjara inscriptions

69. Who was the last ruler of the Maurya dynasty?
Answer. Brihadratha

70. Which was the favorite animal of the Aryans?
Answer. Horse

71. Who was the exponent of Nihilism (Shunyavad)?
Answer. Nagarjuna

72. Who was the exponent of ‘Dvaitadvaita’ theory?

73. Who was the last king of the Kushan dynasty?
Answer. Vasudev

74. When did the Kalinga war take place?
Answer. in 261 BC

75. What is the incident of renunciation of Mahatma Buddha called?
Answer. Grand Eradication (Mahabhinishkraman)

76. Who built the monolithic chariots of Mahabalipuram?
Answer. by Pallava king Narasingh Varman I

77. Who called Harappa a colony of Mesopotamia?
Answer. Mortimer Wheeler

78. Who became the president of Jain Sangh after the death of Mahavira?
Answer. Sudhavarman

79. Who was the favorite god of the Aryans?
Answer. Indra

80. Geet Govind is written by whom?
Answer. by Jaydev

81. In which language is the Kalpasutra written?
Answer. in Sanskrit

82. Who was the founder of the Kanva dynasty?
Answer. Vasudev

83. Which Veda is considered the father of Indian music?
Answer. to Samaveda

84. What was the name of Gautam Buddha’s wife?
Answer. Yashodhara

85. Who founded the city of Delhi?
Answer. Tomar Naresh Angpal

86. Who was the last Gupta ruler?
Answer. Bhanugupta

87. Megasthenes was the ambassador of?
Answer. of Seleucus Nicator

88. Who was the founder of the Gupta dynasty?
Answer. Shrigupta

89. What did primitive man first learn?
Answer. lit the fire

90. Who started the Chishti sequence in India?
Answer. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti

91. Who founded Nalanda University?
Answer. by Kumaragupta

92. Who was the famous Greek who came to the court of Chandragupta Maurya?
Answer. Megasthenes

93. Which was the political and cultural center of the Pandavas?
Answer. Madurai

94. Which is the largest Harappan city in India?
Answer. Dholavira

95. Who founded Odantapuri University?
Answer. Gopal has

96. Which period is known as Golden Age in Indian history?
Answer. to the ‘Gupt’ period

97. When was Chandragupta Maurya born?
Answer. in 345 BC

98. Who built the Vijay Stambh?
Answer. Rana Kumbha, in Chittorgarh

99. Who was the originator of the philosophy of justice (Nyay Darshan)?
Answer. Gautam

100. Who was the founder of the Islam religion?
Answer. Hazrat Muhammad

101. How did the Harappans behave in weighing?
Answer. 16 or its periods

102. What was the capital of Magadha during the time of Bimbisara?
Answer. Rajgraha

103. How many mantras are there in Samaveda?
Answer. 1549

104. From where has the Gurjara inscription been obtained?
Answer. from Madhya Pradesh

105. Who started the feudal system of giving land?
Answer. Harsha Vrdhana

106. What is the size of the entire area of ​​the Indus Civilization?
Answer. Triangular

107. How many times is the river Yamuna mentioned in the Rigveda?
Answer. 3 times

108. When and where was Mahavir born?
Answer. 540 BCE, at Kundagrama of Vaishali

109. By whom was the Satavahana dynasty appointed?
Answer. by Simuk

110. When and where did Mahatma Buddha die?
Answer. in 483 BC, in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh

111. What is the war between Sikandar and Porus called?
Answer. Battle of Hydaspes (Battle of Vitasta or Jhelum)

112. By what other name is Bindusara known?
Answer. Amitraghat, Amitrakodas and Singh Sen

113. What was the name of Mahavir’s son-in-law?
Answer. Jamali

114. In whose reign was the third Buddhist council held?
Answer. Ashoka

115. Which is the oldest and proven prosperity?
Answer. Manusmriti

116. Where did Mahatma Buddha give maximum sermons?
Answer. Sravasti, the capital of Kaushal Pradesh

117. At what age did Mahavira leave his home and become a sanyasi?
Answer. at the age of 30

118. Who is considered the author and collector of Puranas?
Answer. Lomaharshak and his son Ugrashrava

119. From when is the period of Rigvedic civilization considered?
Answer. 1500-1000 BC until

120. From where has the evidence of lipstick, kajal, and four-wheeler vehicles been found in Gujarat?
Answer. from Chanhudaro


121. What is the main sport of the Harappans?
Answer. Pasha

122. How many mantras are there in Atharvaveda?
Answer. 5839

123. Who was the last ruler of the Chola dynasty?
Answer. Raj Raja II

124. How many mandalas are there in Rigveda?
Answer. 10 Mandals

125. Where was the second Buddhist council held?
Answer. in Vaishali

126. From which inscription does the word Chandragupta get its first mention?
Answer. From Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman

127. Who defeated Pulakeshan Ditiya?
Answer. Narasingh Varman I

128. Who was the 24th or last Tirthankara of Jainism?
Answer. Mahavir Swami

129. What was the childhood name of Mahatma Buddha?
Answer. Siddhartha

130. What is the symbol of the birth of Mahatma Buddha?
Answer. Lotus

131. Who was the exponent of Vishisht Duality Theory?
Answer. Ramanuja

132. Who was the founder of Shishunaga dynasty?
Answer. Shishunag

133. What is the total area of ​​the Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer. 1299600 km

134. Who wrote the book Indica?
Answer. Megasthenes

135. Which is the last mandala in Rigveda?
Answer. Tenth Mandal

136. What was the real name of Ved Vyas?
Answer. Devpayana

137. Who is called the oldest Jain?
Answer. on the 14th

138. Where did Mahavira die?
Answer. Near Rajgriha in Pavapuri

139. What is Ashoka called in the Puranas?
Answer. Ashokvardhan

140. Who had brought up Gautam Buddha?
Answer. Prajapati Gautami, aunt of Mahatma Buddha

141. Who was the last ruler of the Pallava dynasty?
Answer. Aprajit

142. When did the Arabs first attack India?
Answer. Under the leadership of Muhammad bin Qasim, in 712 AD

143. Which was the main port of the Indus Civilization?
Answer. Lothal

144. In how many days did Mahatma Buddha attain enlightenment?
Answer. 49th day

145. Who was the court poet of Samudragupta?
Answer. Harishena

146. When did the Hijri Samvat begin?
Answer. in 622 AD

147. To which deity is the ninth mandala of Rigveda dedicated?
Answer. to Soma Devta

148. Who wrote the famous book of Hindu law Mitakshara?
Answer. Vigyaneshwar

149. Whom did Ashoka send to Sri Lanka to propagate Buddhism?
Answer. To his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra

150. Which is the largest building found in Mohenjodaro?
Answer. Granary (Annagar)

151. What was the Childhood name of Mahavira?
Answer. Vardhman

152. What was the name of Ashoka’s mother?
Answer. Subhadrangi

153. Which is the shortest inscription of Ashoka?
Answer. Rummindei inscription

154. Who was the first great emperor of the Gupta dynasty?
Answer. Chandragupta I

155. Under whose presidency was the Third Buddhist Council held?
Answer. Mowgliputtis

156. Where are the 16 Mahajanapadas described?
Answer. Aguntar Nikay

157. What was the main feature of the Indus civilization?
Answer. Town planning

158. Who was the founder of Digambara?
Answer. Bhadrabahu

159. What are the four Vedas?
Answer. Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda

160. What are the three gems (Triratna) of Jainism?
Answer. Time philosophy, time knowledge, and time conduct

161. When and who started the excavation of Harappa?
Answer. In 1921, Dayaram Sahni

162. Which is the festival celebrated on the birth of Mohammad Sahib?
Answer. Eid-e-Milad-Unvi

163. Which inscription describes Ashoka’s war of Kalinga?
Answer. in the 13th record

164. At what age did Mahavira attain knowledge?
Answer. at the age of 42

165. Who was the founder of the Chauhan dynasty?
Answer. Vasudev

166. Matsyapuran gives information about which lineage?
Answer. of the Satavahana dynasty

167. When and where was Hazrat Muhammad born?
Answer. In 570 AD, Mecca

168. Who was the founder of the Solanki dynasty?
Answer. Mulraj I

169. From whom did Chandragupta Maurya take the education of Jainism?
Answer. from Bhadrabahu

170. Whose son was Nagdasaka?
Answer. Udayin’s

171. What was the script of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer. Expressions pictorial

172. To which Varna did Mahatma Buddha belong?
Answer. Kshatriya

173. Under whose chairmanship was the first Buddhist council held?
Answer. Mahakashyap

174. Who built the famous Jain temple of Dilwara on Mount Abu?
Answer. Samant Bimal of Bhima I

175. By what name is Jain literature known?
Answer. Aagam

176. Who was the Guru of Ashoka?
Answer. Mogliputratis

177. Who was the last ruler of the Shunga dynasty?
Answer. Devbhuti

178. Which is the largest pillar inscription of Ashoka?
Answer. Seventh column article

179. Who was the last ruler of the Nanda dynasty?
Answer. Dhanand

180. What was the main crop of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer. wheat and barley

181. By whom was the maximum number of gold coins issued?
Answer. by Gupta kings

182. In what is the story of Buddha’s previous birth described?
Answer. in the Jatak

183. When and where did Alexander die?
Answer. in 323 BC, Babylon

184. Where was the third Buddhist council held?
Answer. in Pataliputra

185. From where have the evidence of bronze dancer and priest’s building been found?
Answer. from Mohenjodaro

186. Where was the first Jain Sabha organized?
Answer. in Pataliputra

187. Under whose chairmanship was the second Buddhist council held?
Answer. Sabakami

188. Who gave the name of Indus Civilization to Harappan Civilization?
Answer. by John Marshall

189. Who was the exponent of Shuddhadvaita theory?
Answer. Vallabhacharya

190. Where did the Aryans first settle?
Answer. in Punjab and Afghanistan

191. From when is the period of Indus Valley Civilization considered to be?
Answer. 2350 BC to 1750 AD

192. What is the literal meaning of Kalibanga, the site of the Indus Civilization?
Answer. black bangles

193. What is the meaning of Mohenjodaro?
Answer. mound of the dead

194. What was the name of Mahavir’s father?
Answer. Siddhartha

195. How many times did Mohammad Ghaznavi attack India?
Answer. 17 times

196. What is known about the early history of Jainism?
Answer. by kalpasutra

197. Who was the originator of Purva Mimamsa philosophy?
Answer. Gemini

198. Who was the founder of Buddhism?
Answer. Gautam buddha

199. Who was the most famous ruler of the Kushan dynasty?
Answer. Kanishk

200. With which religion is the Eightfold Path related?
Answer. from Buddhism

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