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During the hearing of the hijab case, in the Karnataka High Court asked sharp questions – exemption on veil, turban, bindi, bangle cross etc. Why object to hijab?

Karnataka hijab controversy

    Referring to the Karnataka Education Act, the counsel for the petitioner told the court that when the educational institution changes or wants to change the dress, it will have to inform the parents of the students by issuing notices one year in advance.
Know the news in detail

On Wednesday, while hearing the Hijab for the fourth day, advocate Ravi Varma, while arguing for the petitioner in the Karnataka High Court, said in his argument that why only object to the hijab? While many religious and community symbols like dupatta, bangles, turban, kirpan, cross, bindi, are worn by people everyday, why question only hijab?

       Continuing the debate, Advocate Ravi Verma, I am just highlighting here the diversity of religious and social symbols of all classes prevalent in the society. But why has the government adopted a discriminatory attitude towards hijab? Verma said that it is only because of a particular religion that his petitioner is being sent outside the classroom. Why not sent out girls wearing bindi, bangles or other religious symbols? He called it a violation of Article 15 of the Constitution.

Hearing will continue today

   Ravi Varma, while holding the notification of the state government illegal, clarified that there is no provision in this regard in the Karnataka Education Act. Hearing on hijab dispute will be held again from 2.30 pm today. He said before the court that if the college had taken any decision regarding the dress, then the parents of the students had to be informed one year in advance. For this, a reference was made to the Karnataka Education Act, in which it is clear that a year ago notice will have to be issued regarding the wearing of clothes.

When there is no dress code in college then why stop

   The lawyer for the girl students who came forward in support of hijab questioned that when there is no rule regarding dress code in pre-university college then how can hijab be banned. After all, under which rule did the government stop? He said that the College Development Council has no right to decide any kind of rules in this matter.

BJP MLA is president of college committee

During the hearing, advocate Ravi Kumar also raised an objection that the chairman of the committee of the BJP MLA College of Udupi and he represents the ideology of a political party, can he work in the interest of the students? He said that the inclusion of such political people in the committee is a matter of concern for the democracy.

What did Sadhvi Thakur Pragya Singh say in this matter?

      BJP MP Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, who is often in controversies with her statements, said that Muslim girl students wear hijab in homes and madrasas and it will not be tolerated in educational institutions. BJP MP from Bhopal said that Hindus worship women and do not look at them with evil eyes.

   Sadhvi said that if you want to wear hijab or kijab, then go to madrasa, no one has any objection, there you have your own rules. But if you want to study in college, then you have to follow the rules of the school and college, if they violate the discipline of the college then it will not be tolerated. He further said that Hindu children wear saffron when they are in Gurukul, but when the same children are in college and school, they follow the uniform there, similarly everyone should follow it.

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