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You have started writing and publishing daily blog posts or articles on your own website. But if you are not getting traffic then you have to find additional ways to reach people and share your posts. In today’s competitive environment, where more than 70 million blog posts are published on the Internet every month around the world, it is important for you to go beyond your website.

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Share your blog here then you will get traffic in lakhs: 20 essential platform information to increase website traffic

Share your blog here

While your website serves as the first foundation for driving great traffic, don’t underestimate the ability of your blog posts to be shared on other platforms. Along with popular outlets like Medium, there are industry-specific and debut platforms that can greatly expand the reach of your content.

So let’s think of sharing your content on these platforms as using a megaphone: The more places you promote it, the more people will hear your message. Are you ready to enhance your content, and increase your website traffic and reach?

Let’s take a look at the top 20 places you should be sharing your content, from mainstream platforms to niche ones. But you will also have to wait with patience.


Medium provides the option to republish your existing blog posts, and by utilizing their import feature, they even include a rel=canonical link. Alternatively, you can leverage this platform to drive traffic to the original blog posts on your website.

DrumUp employs this tactic by sharing snippets of full blog posts on Medium and then directing users to the complete article on their website. If you prefer not to syndicate the entire text of your blog posts, you can consider adopting this strategy.

Suppose you have gained substantial traction on Medium. In that case, you can diversify your approach by occasionally publishing exclusive articles on Medium, once you have established a readership.


Sharing content on Reddit can be beneficial, but it must be done correctly. Redditors are wary of brands attempting to “spam” subreddits with self-promotion. Therefore, it is advisable to limit this practice to a few employees with active Reddit accounts who may occasionally share company blog posts, typically once or twice a month.

Ensure that the articles you choose to share provide genuine value to the users. It is also important to note that Redditors can view other users’ activities. Therefore, it is essential that employees use their Reddit accounts for more than just posting company blog posts. Any deceptive practices may lead to your company being called out, which can have negative consequences on such an active platform.

3-LinkedIn Articles

Similar to Medium, LinkedIn allows you to syndicate blog posts on your personal LinkedIn profile as LinkedIn articles. Although these articles do not currently include automatic rel=canonical links, research indicates that Google does not flag them as duplicate content, despite being detected by duplicate content search sites like Copyscape.

LinkedIn’s existing network offers many users a strong subscriber base for their articles on the platform. Users can choose to subscribe to posts, receiving notifications whenever the user publishes new content. This built-in alert system provides a definite advantage over other platforms. In contrast, blog readers typically do not receive such notifications unless they subscribe to email notifications, which requires a more significant commitment compared to opting for in-platform notifications on LinkedIn.


Promoting your content through email remains an effective and reliable tactic. Email subscribers are more loyal to your brand and are 3.9 times more likely to share your content via social media than visitors from other sources.

Additionally, email click-through rates tend to be higher than the click-through rates on social media posts. Campaign Monitor discovered that emails are 6 times more likely to generate clicks compared to sent tweets.

The approach you adopt for sharing content on social media should depend on what works best for your schedule and users. Experimentation is key to determining the most effective strategies. Some companies or writers prefer sending out individual emails each time a new post is published (often automated using an RSS feed and services like Zapier or IFTTT). Others choose to send newsletters at the end of the week or month, providing updates and featuring the latest published posts.

The aforementioned platforms are particularly useful for driving traffic. However, numerous other platforms should be considered based on your content’s topic and format.


BizSugar is an online community that caters to business owners and marketers interested in discussing growth and growth hacking topics. The platform offers online events, free groups, and resources for users, including goal-setting templates. follows a slightly different format. Users can upvote or downvote content related to WordPress.


Dzone boasts a discussion board with over 1 million developers sharing content and links related to coding, cloud computing, and other relevant topics.

8-Twitter Brand Accounts

If your article aligns with your brand, it is worth considering adding it to the sharing list for your Twitter brand accounts. You can even schedule the article to be posted multiple times over a few months to maximize its visibility and reach.

9-Personal Twitter Accounts

Given the fast-paced nature of Twitter, it’s a good idea to share your article, accompanied by an engaging quote, in multiple places on the platform. To avoid overwhelming your audience, it’s best to space out your shares.

10Twitter Chats

For a more targeted audience, participate in industry-related Twitter chats and use relevant hashtags when sharing high-quality content. However, be mindful not to spam the chat with every piece of content you write. Certain popular marketing hashtags like #seochat and #twittersmarter remain active even outside of regular chat sessions.

11-Personal Facebook Page

While it may seem obvious, many people overlook sharing content on their personal Facebook pages. If you are concerned about spamming family and friends who are not in the industry, consider creating a separate Facebook list for work connections. This way, you can share relevant content without confusing your personal connections.

12-Brand Facebook Page

Don’t overlook the power of your brand’s Facebook page. Share a compelling quote from your content, ensure the image displays correctly, and send it out to your audience, provided it is relevant to them.

13-Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are still vibrant and active. Since many users already spend time on Facebook for personal reasons, they tend to be more engaged within groups. Join industry-related groups and share your best content once a month while actively participating in discussions and contributing valuable insights to the group.


Transforming highlights from your content into a presentation on SlideShare is an effective way to maximize its reach. By changing the format, you can appeal to a wider audience and provide them with valuable insights.


Quora, the leading question-and-answer website, offers an excellent opportunity for businesses to connect with their audience. By researching the questions customers are asking, you can create detailed blog posts that provide helpful answers. When responding to a potential customer’s question, you can also include a link to your blog post for further information.

16-Growth Hackers

Growth Hackers is an online community where users generate insightful content related to scaling businesses. Contribute to the community by sharing your experiences and strategies for growing your company. It’s a valuable platform to showcase your expertise and gain exposure.


Flipboard is an app that curates content from major publications, delivering it to users based on their interests. Creating an account and posting your content on Flipboard can drive traffic directly to your blog. Additionally, the app helps you stay updated with industry insights and manage your social media feeds efficiently.


With over two million monthly users, Scoop.It is a powerful platform for marketers. It offers content curation software that helps marketers find authoritative content in their industry, making it easy to share on social media. By posting your content on Scoop.It, increases the chances of others discovering and sharing it with their followers.


Listly is another excellent content curation tool available. It simplifies the process of creating and publishing lists of content. Once you have created your lists, you can share them with your audience. Listly also allows your audience to vote on the items in your list, providing valuable insights into their preferences and interests.

Remember to monitor the engagement and response to your content on each platform and adjust your strategies accordingly. By leveraging these platforms effectively, you can expand your content’s reach, attract new readers, and drive traffic to your website or blog.


Business2Community is a reputable platform that facilitates the distribution of professionally driven content. It serves as a community where thought leaders, marketers, writers, and various professionals come together to share their insights and industry news.

For new writers, Business2Community offers a valuable opportunity to showcase their work to a wider audience. Moreover, it serves as an ideal platform for in-depth articles and expert opinions on specific business topics.


It is important to avoid coming across as a self-opportunist solely focused on sharing content without engaging with others. Building strong relationships and becoming part of a supportive community requires active participation and contribution.

The same principle applies to contributing to the broader online community, whether it’s through platforms like Medium or engaging in Twitter chats. Avoid taking advantage of the opportunity to share content by offering low-quality or uninteresting material.

Instead, strive to participate in discussions regularly and offer valuable insights. Building relationships and engaging with others will yield more fruitful results than solely using a megaphone for self-promotion.

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