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 Who was Mustafa al-Abbadi: On the 94th birthday of the Egyptian scientist and historian, Google honored by making a doodle-Today, 10 October, celebrated Egyptian historian and scientist Mustafa al-Abbadi’s 94th birthday is celebrated by Google with a doodle in his honor. As an Egyptologist, Mustafa al-Abbadi dealt with the famous Library of Alexandria and was in charge of the project to rebuild it – with success. He is honored today among other things.


Who was Mustafa al-Abbadi: On the 94th birthday of the Egyptian scientist and historian, Google honored by making a doodle

Today’s Google Doodle for Mustafa al-Abbadi shows the historian and Egyptologist what is probably his favorite pastime: browsing through books. His area of ​​expertise was the famous Library of Alexandria, which is certainly immortalized in today’s doodle for his 94th birthday. We see Mustafa al-Abbadi himself with a book in hand and several other motifs from his life in the background.

First, we see a bookshelf, which of course represents the interior of the library. Then there is the Lighthouse of Alexandria for orientation to the historian himself and beside him and the library building in the background. In fact, the lighthouse is quite impressive in today’s image, although (in my opinion) it has nothing to do with the actual depiction. But it’s still a great doodle in the right style and presentation.

Once again, the Google logo is displayed in a way that is difficult to see. The logo is placed only slightly in the foreground with high transparency. The second O and the younger G are clearly visible on the book in his hand. E as the last letter is applied in a classic way and fits into the picture. This forms the ceiling as well as a successful wave in front of the lighthouse.

Mustafa al-Abbadi was born in Cairo on October 10, 1928, and he pursued his passion for researching the history of his country through Egypt, with a particular interest in the Library of Alexandria, which conducted research into ancient Egypt. played a very important role. He gave many lectures around the world (also in Germany) about the library and ancient Egypt. He also repeatedly suggested that the library should be rebuilt or re-established and reorganized.

Armed with many honors, one day he was listened to and the project of rebuilding this library started in the late 80s. The government, in collaboration with UNESCO and other organizations, planned the project, which was to take 15 years to be realized. Eventually, it became a facility with over 8 million books spread over seven floors, which in turn housed four different museums and even a planetarium.

Along with this building and the cultural treasure that stands today, Mustafa al-Abbadi erected a permanent memorial for which he is being honored, among other things, for his 94th birthday with today’s Google Doodle. An interesting story about a man who could bring us closer to Egyptology today without him.

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