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After the movie Teddy, the movie Captain is made by Sakthi Chelandharajan-Arya. Arya is acting as well as producing this film. Simran, Aishwarya Lakshmi, Harish Uthdaman, and others acted with him

Captain Movie Review: How is Arya's Captain movie?



Captain movie produced by Arya released today. Let’s see how the picture looks.

After the movie Teddy, the movie Captain is made by Sakthi Chelandharajan-Arya. Arya is acting as well as producing this film. Simran, Aishwarya Lakshmi, Harish Uthman, and others have acted with him. All of them are serving in the Indian Army.

There is no human movement in the forest area in the northeastern part of India that borders three countries. Soldiers going to the area are shot dead. What happened there? The army does not know who killed the soldiers. At this stage, a group of five people headed by Arya goes to that area. What happens after that is the story of Kadban.

Sakthi Chelandarrajan would shoot any subject in his hands which is seen in Hollywood films. In that way, this time he has taken the Creature in hand. Does the creature kill intruders within its territory? But it could not control only Arya. The end of the movie is whether he uses it to destroy the Creature or not.

The director has used Creature as the main character and focal point in this film. But our fans are amazed to see creatures bigger than this in Hollywood films. Thus there is no chance to marvel at the creature featured in the film Captain. That and the graphics the creature is rendered in are only okay. Thus it is not to be feared. And the scenes go overboard without being scripted to make the audience nervous.

Even after finding out the creature’s reason for killing the Ranuva soldiers going to the forest in the Captain movie, only Arya’s team goes to destroy it. There arises the question of army force Sellatka. There are many such issues in the film. However, the director has tried to make a point at the end of the film. The film would have been better if more effort had been given to it.

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