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Now that India’s independence is going to be 75 years and we are celebrating the elixir of independence. The government has also appealed to the people to hoist the tricolor in their respective homes. The tricolor is not just another flag, it is more than that a symbol representing the story of our independence. In this article, we will make you aware of the history of the tricolor and the rules related to its use. Read the complete article and increase your knowledge।

History of the Indian flag and information regarding its use - 2022


History of the Indian flag and information regarding its use – 2022

 For decades the All India Congress under the leadership of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi struggled to unite the millions of British-ruled people in the Indian subcontinent. Like similar movements in other countries, it felt the need to have a specific symbol that could represent its nationalist objectives in order to arouse the consciousness of nationalism among the Indian masses.

In 1921 a university lecturer named Pingali (or Pingle) Venkayya presented Gandhi with a flag design that included colors associated with the two major religions, red for Hindus and green for Muslims. In the center of the horizontally divided flag, Lala Hans Raj Sondhi suggested adding the traditional charkha, which was associated with Gandhi’s crusade to make Indians self-sufficient by making their own clothes from local fibers.

Gandhi modified the flag for other religious communities in India by adding a white stripe in the center, thus also providing a clearly visible background for the spinning wheel. In Nagpur in May 1923, during a peaceful protest against British rule, thousands of people raised the flag, hundreds of whom were arrested.

 The Congress flag was associated with nationalism and nationalism for India, and it was officially recognized at the party’s annual meeting in August 1931. Also, the current arrangement of stripes and the use of dark saffron instead of red were approved.

To avoid the sectarian associations of the original proposal, new prominences were attached with saffron and white and green stripes. They are said to be symbols of courage and sacrifice, peace and truth, and faith and bravery respectively. During World War II, Subhas Chandra Bose used this flag (without the spinning wheel) in areas that were occupied by his Japanese-aided forces.

After the war, Britain agreed to consider independence for India, although the country was divided and Muslim-majority Pakistan was granted separate statehood. The Indian national flag was officially unfurled on 22 July 1947.

 Its stripes remained the same saffron-white-green color, but the spinning wheel was replaced by a blue wheel – the dharma chakra (“wheel of law”). The Dharma Chakra, which was associated with Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE, appeared on pillars throughout the Mauryan Empire during the first serious attempt to unite the whole of India under a single government. The 1947 flag continues to be used by India, although special versions have been developed for ships registered in the country.

History of the Indian Tricolor

Every independent nation in the world has its own flag. It is a symbol of a free country. The national flag of India in its present form was adopted on 15 August 1947 during the meeting of the Constituent Assembly held on 22 July 1947, a few days before India’s independence from the British. 15 August 1947 and 26 January 1950 and thereafter of the Republic of India. In India, the term “tricolor” is used to identify the flag of India.

The national flag of India is a horizontally proportioned flag made of three colors saffron (saffron) at the top, white in the middle, and dark green in equal proportion at the bottom. The ratio of length and width of the Indian flag is 2 to 3. In the center of the white bar is a dark blue circle with 24 spokes that represent continuous progress. This Chakra is taken from Ashoka’s Chakra under the Lion Pillar of Sarnath. There are 24 spokes in the center of the white stripe in the middle of the flag, it is recognized by the name of Ashoka Chakra. This wheel indicates to the countrymen to move forward on the path of continuous progress.

Flag color

In the national flag of India, the top stripe is saffron (saffron), symbolizing sacrifice and courage. There is a white stripe in the middle which symbolizes peace and truth. The blue circle with 24 spokes in the center of the white stripe is a symbol of continuous progress and development. The lower and last band is green, symbolizing prosperity, growth and prosperity, and the prosperity of agriculture.


This Dharma Chakra represented the “wheel of law” at the Sarnath Singh capital, built by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE. Chakra is an indicator that you are alive only if you make continuous progress or work and if you turn your life into laziness and stagnation then it is like death.

Rules relating to the use of the Indian flag

With regard to the importance of the Indian flag and its use, the Government of India changed the Flag Code of India on 26 January 2002, after which the common citizens of India also finally got access to the Indian flag in their homes, government, or private. Office and factory on any occasion or day. Flag hoisting was allowed and not only on national days, as was the case earlier. After independence, in 2002 the common citizens got this right in relation to the use of the national flag.

This means that now the common Indian can proudly display the national flag anywhere and at any time, but at the same time he has to take care that the national flag is not insulted in any way.

For the convenience of common citizens, the Flag Code of India 2002 was divided into three parts to avoid any confusion regarding its usage.
A general description of the national flag is given in Code I – Part I of the National Flag Code.

Code II – Part II of the National Flag Code deals with the hoisting of the National Flag by members of public and private organizations, educational institutions, etc. and

Part III of the Flag Code deals with the display of the National Flag by the Central and State Governments and their respective organizations and government agencies.

There are certain rules and regulations regarding the hoisting of the national flag as per the rules laid down by the Government of India on 26 January 2002. And hope all Indians will take care of it. These include the following rules:

what can we do

    The national flag can be flown in educational institutions (schools, colleges, sports camps, scout camps, etc.) to inspire respect for the flag. Oath of allegiance has also been taken in the flag hoisting in schools.

    Any member of a public, private organization, or educational institution may hoist/display the National Flag on all days and occasions, ceremonial or otherwise, keeping in view the dignity and honor of the National Flag.

   According to section 2 of the new code regarding the use of the non-government flag, all citizens have been given the right to fly the flag on private premises.

What can’t:

    The flag cannot be used for communal benefit, drapery, or clothing. As far as possible it should be flown from sunrise to sunset, no matter what the weather.

    The flag may not knowingly be allowed to touch the ground or floor or the trail in the water. It is not allowed to be wrapped on the hood, top, and side or rear of vehicles, trains, boats, or aircraft.

  The other flag or bunting may be placed on top of the national flag. In addition, nothing including flowers or garlands, or emblems may be placed on or above the flag. The tricolor cannot be used as a celebration, rosette, or bunting.

The Indian National Flag is not just a symbol but it is a symbol of the hopes and aspirations of the people of India. It is a symbol of our national pride. Over the past five decades, many people, including members of the armed forces, have sacrificed their lives to keep the tricolor in its full glory.

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