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Death and Burial of the Prophet

In Sahih Muslim, there is a famous tradition narrated by Ibn Abbas which states:
Three days before the death of the Prophet, ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab and other companions were present by his side. The Prophet said, “Now let me write something for you, so that you will not go astray after me.” Umar said, “The Prophet has passed away from the disease, you have the Quran, the book of Allah, which is sufficient for us.”



Omar’s statement caused a furor among the people to present there. Some people were saying that the command of the Prophet should be obeyed so that he could write whatever he wanted for his guidance. Others supported Omar. When the tension and commotion intensified, the Prophet said, “Get away from me!” Therefore, Ibn Abbas used to say, “It was a pathetic, absolutely pathetic event that the conflict of thoughts and noise made by the people got in the way of writing the will of the Prophet and because of this the Prophet could not do what he did on paper.” Wanted to keep, leave him behind.”
The story of Sa’id ibn Zubair is recorded in Sahih Bukhari as follows:

Ibn Abbas said, “How miserable that Thursday was!” And he wept so bitterly that the pebbles lying there got wet with his tears. Then he continued, when, on Thursday, the Prophet’s illness worsened, he said, ‘Get me things to write so that I can write something that you will never mislead after me.’ There was disagreement and quarrel among the people on this matter, although it was inappropriate to quarrel in the presence of the Prophet. People said that the Prophet was talking in delirium. The Prophet called out, ‘Get away from me! I am healthier than you.”
Rawdatul-Ahbab states that the Prophet told Fatima, “Bring your sons to me.” Fatima brought Hassan and Hussain to the Prophet. Both of them greeted the Prophet, sat down next to him, and cried seeing the Prophet’s suffering in such a way that the tears of those who saw him crying did not stop. Hassan rested his face on the Prophet’s face and Husain rested his head on the Prophet’s chest.

The Prophet opened his eyes and kissed his grandsons (daughter’s sons) lovingly, ordering the people to love and respect them. Another tradition says that the companions present there cried so loudly upon seeing Hassan and Hussain crying that the Prophet himself could not hold back tears over their sorrow. Then he said, “Call my dear brother Ali to me.” ‘Ali came in and sat down beside the Prophet’s head. When the Prophet raised his head, ‘Ali turned to the side and, holding the Prophet’s head, he rested on his lap. The Prophet then said:
“O’ Ali! I have taken a certain sum from the Jew for expenditure on the army of Usmah. See that you pay it. And, O’ Ali! You will be the first to reach me in the heavenly reservoir of al-Qawathar You will also have a lot of trouble after my death. You must bear it patiently and when you see that people like the lust of this world, you should like the hereafter.”
The following is quoted in ‘Khasa’ from Ummu Salamah in ‘Nasa’s Hai’:
“By Allah, the closest person [to the Prophet] at the time of the Prophet’s death was ‘Ali.’ He asked for Ali three times before his return. However, ‘Ali came before sunrise. Therefore, thinking that the Prophet needed some privacy with Ali, we came out. I was the last to be out; therefore, I sat closer to the door than the other women. I saw ‘Ali bowed his head towards the Prophet and the Prophet whispered (for some time) in his ear. Therefore, ‘Ali is the only person who is near the Prophet It was till the last moment. ,
Al-Hakim, furthermore, remarks in his Mustadrak that:

“The Prophet kept believing in ‘Ali till the time of his death. Then he breathed his last.”

Ibn al-Wardi explains that those who were responsible for the Prophet for his funeral bath were:

“Ali, Abbas, Fadal Kutham, Usama, and Shakran. Abbas, Fadal, and Kutham turned the body. Usama and Shakran poured water, and Ali washed the body.”

Tarikh al-Khamis adds the following:

“Abbas, Fadal, and Kutam turned the body from side to side, pouring water on Usama and Shakran. They were all blindfolded.”

Ibn Sa’ad made the following statement in his Tabaqat:
“Ali told that the Prophet had given such an order that if anyone except himself (Ali) had given him a bath at the funeral, he would have gone blind.”
‘Abdul-Barr, in his book al-Istiyab, quotes ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas as saying: “Ali had four extraordinary honors that none of us had:
• Among all Arabs and non-Arabs, he was the first to have the distinction of praying with the Prophet.

In all the battles in which he took part, he single-handedly carried the flag of the Prophet.

• When the people fled the battlefield leaving the Prophet alone, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib stood firmly on the side of the Prophet.

• Ali is the only person who bathed the Prophet at his funeral and lowered him into his grave.”

Both Abul-Fida and Ibn al-Wardi indicate that the Prophet died on Monday and was buried the next day, that is, Tuesday. Another tradition related to the death and burial of the Prophet states that he was buried during the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. It appears to be more factual. But according to some others, he was not buried until three days after his death.
In the Tarikh-al-Khamis, however, it is mentioned that Ishaq Muhammad said the following:
“The Prophet died on Monday and was buried on Wednesday night.”

Estimating his age, Abul-Fida writes:

“People are not unanimous regarding the age of the Prophet, the factual calculations have been made only on the basis of estimates from the prevailing traditions, and the final conclusion is that he has said goodbye to this world at the age of 63 years”
The Holy Prophet left this world on 28 Safar, 11 AH, thus ending the life of the last prophet.
A witness and a bringer of good news, a warner and with His permission a summoner to Allah, and a lamp that gives light (Qur’an, 33: 45-46)
He who was sent as mercy and blessing to mankind (Qur’an, 21:10)
He left the cosmic world, but the message he gave to mankind is eternal.
Now from Allah has come to you a light and a clear book by which Allah guides him who seeks his happiness on the path of peace. He brings them out of the darkness by his command and brings them into the light and leads them on the right path. (Qur’an, 5:16)
A Book that We have revealed to you (O Muhammad!) that you can lead people from darkness to light, with the permission of Allah, on their path, the Supreme Power, who is worthy of all praise. (Qur’an, 14:2)
Hello people! An admonition has come to you from your Lord, which heals the breasts, and guides and shows mercy to the believers. (Qur’an, 10:57)
Accept what the Messenger gives you and stay away from what he denies you. (Qur’an, 59:7)

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