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     Today is the birthday of the world’s famous wrestler Gama and Google has honored him by making a doodle of Gama. Who was Gama Pehalwan Let us know everything that you want to know about Gama Pehelwan? Biography of Gama Pehalwan.


Gama Pehelwan Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Dosage, Combat

     The real name of Gama Pehalwan, known worldwide as Gama Pehalwan, was Ghulam Muhammad Baksh. Gama Pehalwan, who never lost to any wrestler, was born on 22 May 1878 in Amritsar, Punjab. Although there is some controversy regarding his place of birth. His father named him Ghulam Muhammad. Gama started practicing wrestling at the age of just 10. He made his body strong with stone dumbbells.

Brief introduction of Gama Pehalwan

Famous Name –            Gama Pehalwan
Real name –                  Ghulam Muhammad Baksh
Born-                            on 22 May 1878 in Amritsar Punjab, then 

                                      British India.

Died –                            23 May 1960 Lahore Punjab of present-

                                      day Pakistan.

Family Members –        Brother- Imam Baksh (Wrestler), 

                                      Kalsoom Nawaz Sharif (Granddaughter)
professional career
Famous Ring Name –    Gama Pehalwan
Height –                         5 feet 7.5 inches
Height in cm –               1171.5 cm
Weight –                        110 kgs
Weight in Pounds –        250 lbs

  Partition of India and Pakistan (1947) Gama Pehalwan settled with his family in Lahore, Pakistan where he breathed his last in 1960.

     At the time when Gama entered world wrestling, American wrestler Javisco was very much dominated. Gama had defeated Javisco. It is a record that Gama did not lose to any wrestler in his wrestling career.

The early life of Gama Pehalwan

 Gama Pehalwan was born on 22 May 1878 in a small village in Jabbowal Amritsar Punjab in the then British India in a Kashmiri Gurjar family. His childhood name was Ghulam Muhammad Baksh. Gama had two marriages, one of his wives was from Pakistan and the other from Baroda Gujarat. When Gama was only 6 years old, the shadow of his father (Muhammad Aziz Baksh) rose from his head. In such a situation, he was raised by his wrestler Nana Nun Pehalwan. After the death of Nana, he was raised by his maternal uncle Ida Pehalwan. Gama took wrestling training from his maternal uncle.

Education and dosage of Gama Pehalwan

Gama learned the tricks of wrestling from his maternal uncle Ida Pehalwan. Gamma’s practice and training changed over time. Although his method of training was similar to that of the wrestlers, his specialty was that he fought not one but 40 wrestlers together for practice and eventually defeated them.

  It is said about Gama that wearing a hundred kilograms of Husli around his neck, he used to hold 5000 meetings in thirty to 45 minutes every day. Not only this, wearing the same Husli used to impose 3 thousand punishments at the same time.

 One Day Dose of Gamma Pehalwan

The following ingredients were included daily in the dosage of Gama Pehalwan –
1 pound of the almond mixture
2-milk-10 liters
3- three baskets of seasonal fruits
4-country ghee – half liter
5-country mutton – 2 kg
6-native rooster-six
7-butter-six pounds
8-Fresh Fruit Juice
  Apart from this also he used to take some other supplements also.

Gamma’s professional career

     Gama started his professional wrestling career at the age of 10. It is about 1888 when the world’s greatest wrestlers were invited to Jaipur, then Gama also participated in it. 450 wrestlers went through the toughest workouts in which 10-year-old Gama finished 15th. Seeing this performance and Gama’s age, Jaipur Maharaj declared Gama the winner of the competition. Seeing his talent, the Maharaja of Datia later patronized him.

First Major Battle of Gamma

     Gama’s first professional wrestling happened in 1895 when he faced the famous wrestler Rahim Baksh Sultani Wala. Rahim Baksh was from Gujranwala and originally he was Kashmiri. The specialty of this fight was that in one way the 17-year-old Gama, whose height was five feet seven inches, on the other hand, was 7 feet in height, and more than 45 years old wrestler Rahim Baksh Sultaniwala. Gama fought very bravely. Gama started bleeding from her nose and mouth, but she did not give up. In the end, the match ended in a draw and from here Gama’s fame spread in the country and abroad.

     By 1910, Gama defeated almost all the wrestlers of India except Rahim Baksh Sultaniwala. Due to his victories, he was awarded the title of Rustom-e-Hind. Gama then left for London for the World Championship. His brother Imam Baksh was with him.

Tournament in London

The Gamma faced a serious challenge at the London tournament when the organizers refused to participate due to the Gamma’s short length. Gama then challenged the organizers to defeat three wrestlers of any weight category participating in the competition and throw them out of the arena. No one came forward considering Gamma’s challenge as a rumor. Gama then put forth another condition, he challenged Frank Gotch and Stanislaus Jawisko, that he would either defeat them in the match or return to his home country by giving himself the reverse reward. The challenge was accepted by most American wrestlers Benjamin Roller. Gama stuck this wrestler to the ground in just 1 minute 40 seconds in the first round and in the second round, Gama crushed him in 9 minutes 10 seconds. On the second day, Gama defeated 12 wrestlers and entered the tournament.

Stanislaus Javisco vs Gama Pehelwan

This match of the World Championship is remembered very prominently. This match between Javisco and Gama took place on 10 September 1910. Javisco was considered the biggest wrestler in world wrestling at that time. But now in front of Javisco was the Gama wrestler who had already defeated Gotch. On the final day of the tournament, there was a match between Gama Pehelwan and Stanislaus Javisco. 250 Euros and John Bull Belt as prize money in this match. Within a minute, Gama Pehalwan destroyed Javisco. For 2 hours 35 minutes Javisco became unconscious.

      Javisco wakes up again and the same result happens again. Javisco played a bet for his defense, and in the end, the match lasted for 3 hours. However, Javisco was not completely defeated and the match ended in a draw. Thus Javisco is one of those wrestlers that Gama could not defeat. After this, another match between the two was fixed on 17 September 1910, but due to some reason, Javisco could not compete in it, due to which Gama was declared the winner of that match and awarded the amount prize and where the bull belt was awarded. He also got the title of Rustam-e-Hind.

Matches and results from American and European wrestlers

Gama defeated world-famous wrestlers –
1-Dr. Benjamin Roller-USA
2- Maurice Darius -Switzerland
3- John Lamm-Switzerland
4-World Champion Jess Petersen – Sweden
5-Japanese Judo Champion – Taro Miyake
6-George Heckinsmith
7-Frank Gotch -USA

Last match with Rahim Baksh Sultaniwala

    When Gama Pehalwan returned from England, his match was held in Allahabad against Rahim Baksh Sultaniwala. The contest went on for a long time, eventually, Gama won and got the title of Rustam-e-Hind. Gama accepted Rahim Baksh Sultaniwala as his toughest rival.

Rivals Javisco again

 Gama Pehalwan defeated Pandit Biddu, the famous wrestler of India after Rahim Baksh.

   The Prince of Wales, who was visiting India, presented a silver mace to Gama Pehalwan in 1922.

    When there were no wrestlers left to challenge Gama in the world, it was announced that Gama and Javisco would once again face off. In 1928, this match was held in Patiala. Gamma, already looking weak in front of the heavy-duty Javisco, dusted them off in a minute. After this, Javisco addressed Gama as a tiger.

Balram Hiraman Meena vs Gama Pehalwan

  Continuing his journey of victory, Gama defeated Jez Peterson in 1929. This was Gama’s last international match. In 1940, Gama was invited by the Nizam of Hyderabad where Gama defeated 40 wrestlers. After this Nizam landed Balram Hiraman Yadav in the match. Balarama was also an undefeated wrestler. The match was very tough and in the end, the match ended in a draw.

Partition of India Pakistan and Gama going to Pakistan

  After the partition of India-Pakistan, Gama moved to Pakistan. Gama saved the lives of hundreds of Hindus in the Hindu-Muslim riots that broke out during this period. In 1952, Gama retired from wrestling. He groomed his nephew, Bholu Pehalwan, who participated in all matches in Pakistan for 20 years.

Death of Gama Pehalwan

After battling illness for a long time, Gama Pehelwan said goodbye to this world on 23 May 1960. All the expenses of his illness were borne by the Government of Pakistan and some land was also given to his family.

Legacy of Gama Pehalwan

Bruce Lee was a big fan of Gamma. Bruce Lee loved Gama’s body and wrestling.
Gama Pehalwan’s 100 kg silver Husli is still kept safe in the National Sports Institute, Patiala.

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