Agar singing Sarsar bad Girad, Chirag-e-Chishtiyan Hargiz Namirad.
Translation:- (If the whole universe is destroyed by the storm, then the lamp of Chitiya will not stop burning)
Sijra Sharif – Khwaja Garib Nawaz Rahmatullah Alaih

Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishti (Rahmatullah Alaih) known as Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (Rahmatullah Alaih), the “founder of the Chishti Silsila of Sufis” in India, was born in Sijistan (Iran) in 1142 AD. His paternal lineage is related to that of Hazrat Imam Hussain (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anhu) and his maternal uncle Hazrat Imam Hasan (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anhu) and thus he is a direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). ,
His father, Sayyid Ghiyas-Ud-din, a pious man, died when his son was in his teens. He left an orchard and a grinding mill as a legacy. Once Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishti (Rahmatullah Alaih) was taking care of the plants in his garden when a fakir, Sheikh Ibrahim Kanduzhi, passed by.
Sheikh Muin-Ud-din entertained him in his garden. Hagiologists trace the germination of mystic outlook in him to the blessings of this saint. In fact, the most powerful factor in giving a mystic touch to his personality at this early stage was the situation in Sijistan, which had to suffer badly at the hands of the Kara Khita and Ghaz Turks. This drew Khwaja’s mind inward and he realized the futility of longing for worldly opulence or caring for worldly things. He sold all his property, donated the proceeds and took him on a journey. He met eminent scholars of his era.
On his way to Iraq, he passed through Harwan in the Naishapur district. Here he met Khwaja ‘Ushman Harooni’ and was so impressed by his spiritual superiority that he decided to join his circle of disciples. For twenty years he accompanied them on their difficult mystic journeys and rendered all kinds of personal services to them. Sheikh Moinuddin once told his disciples. “I did not give myself a moment’s rest from the service of my Pir-o-Murshid, and put on his night clothes during his journey and stay.”
Hajj and the order of the Prophet:
As soon as the great Khwaja became perfect and perfect in every way, the Divine Teacher (Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwani (Rahmatullah Alaih) honoured him with his robe and took him to Hajj. Both then went to Mecca and performed Hajj, and then went to Medina And stayed there for some time, to seek the blessings of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam).
One night in a trance he was commanded by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam).
“O Moinuddin! You are a supporter of our faith. Move to India and show the people there the path of truth. That is why he is therefore known as Rasool/ Naib-e-Rasool. (Prophet Mohammad K. Lieutenant (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
Later he undertook independent travels and came in contact with eminent saints and scholars like Sheikh Najam-Ud-din Kubra, Sheikh Najib-Ud-din Abdul Kahir Suhrawardy, Sheikh Abu Saeed Tabrizi, Sheikh Mahmud Ispahani, and Shaikh. Nasir-Ud-din Astarabadi and Sheikh Abdul Wahid – of them were destined to exert great influence on contemporary religious life and thought.
He visited almost all the great centres of learning in those days – Samarkand, Bukhara, Baghdad, Naishapur, Tabriz, Aush, Ispahan, Sabzawar, Mihna, Khirqan, Astarabad, Balkh and Ghaznin-and himself from almost every important trend in Muslim religious life. acquainted. in the middle Ages. His moral and spiritual qualities attracted many people to him and he appointed his caliphs in Sabzwar and Balkh.
Shaikh Ouhad-Ud-din Kirmani, Shaikh Shihab-Ud-din Suhrawardy and many other eminent mystics benefited from his company. Thus roaming the Muslim lands, which had yet to recover from the terrible blows of the Kara Khitai and Ghaz invasions and were soon to be ravaged by the Mongols, they turned to India.
After a brief stay in Lahore, where he meditated on the pilgrimage of a prominent Sufi, Sheikh Ali Hajveri, he left for Ajmer. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz composed a couplet paying a heartfelt tribute to Sheikh Hajveri:
“Ganj Baksh-e-Har Do Alam Mazhar-e-Noor-e-Khuda,
Na Kisan Ra Peer-e-Kamil, Kamilan Ra Peshwa”
Meaning: He is the incarnation of divine light and bestower of saints in this world and in the hereafter.
A complete spiritual guide for imperfect disciples and leader of perfect sages.
He adopted Indian tradition and culture, seeing the inclination of Indians toward music and singing, he started qawwali (Sama) to convey his message.
Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (Rahmatullah Alaiah) breathed his last; After receiving the command given to him by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). His great soul left the physical body on 633 AH/16 March 1236 at the age of 97 on 633 AH/16 March 1236. He was buried in the same prayer hall (hujra), which was the center of his divine activities during his entire stay in Ajmer.
Today his shrine is known as “Dargah Sharif of Huzur Garib Nawaz (Rahmatullah Alayh)”. People from all walks of life and faith from all over the world, irrespective of their caste, creed, and beliefs, come to this great pilgrimage to offer their flowers, chadar, and Itar of respect and devotion. Rich and poor stand shoulder to shoulder to pay homage and respect to the divine soul and seek the peace of mind and soul to seek the blessings of Huzoor Garib Nawaz (Rahmatullah Alaiah).
Ajmer was not only the center of power of the Chauhan rulers; It was also a religious center where thousands of pilgrims gathered from far and wide and Sheikh Muin-Ud-din’s determination to employ the principles of Islamic mysticism in a place of such political and religious importance shows great confidence.
Garib Nawaz Rahmatullah Alaih was the exponent of the true spirit of Islam. Like the orthodox and staunch theologians, he did not engage himself in vain metaphysics but tried hard to avoid narrowing human sympathy and hit the root of parochialism, casteism, and religious exclusivity, promoted by some vested interests. being done.
According to Gharib Nawaz, religion is not based only on rituals and ecclesiastical formalities, but “service to humanity” is its only Raison Detre. Describing the qualities that a person holds dear to God, Gharib Nawaz mentioned the following characteristics: Awwal Sakhawate Chun Sakhawate Dariya, Dom Shafqat-e-Chun Shafqat-e-Aftab, Siwam Tawazo-e-Chun Tawazo -A-ground. (First, river-like generosity; second, sun-like hospitality, and third earth-like hospitality.) When once asked about the supreme devotion to God, Garib Nawaz remarked that it was nothing more.
“Dar Mandagan ra Fariyad Rasedan wa Hajat-e-Baichargan ra Rava Kardan wa Gursingan ra Sir Gardenan”
That is, to remove the sufferings of the people in distress, to meet the needs of the helpless, and to feed the hungry.
Gharib Nawaz Rahmatullah Alaih loved humanity in general and Indians in particular. In fact, one of his missions was to bring about a social and spiritual revolution.
He ruled the hearts. The concepts of national unity and composite culture (Ganga-Jamni Tehzeeb) originated from his lifestyle and teachings and were then propagated by his representative disciples.
Perhaps in no other country are the effects of this social and cultural revolution so remarkable and far-reaching as in India. Sufism (Islamic mysticism) arrived in India when it entered the last and most important stage of its history in the organization of the Sufist structure of Islam, with various sects, notably the Chishti, Qadriya, Naqshbandi, and Suharwardiya. Among these sects, the Chishti order has been supremely successful at all levels of India’s pluralistic society based on cultural, religious, and social differences.
Urs Mubarak of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishti Rahmatullah Alaih:
The Urs of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (Rahmatullah Alayh) is celebrated every year in the first week of Rajab, observing the moon of Rajab, the seventh month of the Islamic calendar, with drums beating to mark the beginning of the annual celebrations. The qawwals’ standing garrison (dal) arrives, and after the maghrib (sunset prayer) sits in front of the shrine and sings the following verses:
“Bartui Mehfil-Shahana-Mubarak-Bashad”
Sakia-Badao-Payana Mubarak Bashad”
(Congratulations to you for this blessed and majestic gathering; Greetings, ‘O Saki for your bountiful cup of holy wine).
“Ilahi Ta-Abd-Astana-e-Yar-Rahe”
(O God, may this court of the beloved last till the last day, may this refuge of the poor remain forever!)
The word Urs is derived from “UROOS” which means “A person’s last meeting with God”. It is said that Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (Rahmatullah Alaiah) spent the last six days of his life in solitude in a cave and on the 6th day Rajab, his great soul left the corporeal body. Urs Mubarak is celebrated every year on his death anniversary in the Islamic month of Rajab.
However, the Urs lasted only for the first six days of Rajab. Nevertheless, the sixth day is considered the most special and auspicious. It is called “Chati Sharif”. It is celebrated on the 6th of Rajab between 10:00 am. Inside Mazar Sharif till 1:30 PM. Shijra is recited by the Khadiman-e-Khwaja, then the Fariyad (prayer) begins for the people present at the Dargah and for peace and prosperity for the country and its people and those who are not present but the Khadimas have Nazar-o- Niyaz to mark his presence for their welfare and to promote brotherhood among them. The Khadiman-e-Khwaja tie small turbans on each other’s heads and offer Nazar (prasad in cash).
Just before the Qu’l (conclusion of 6th Rajab Chhati Sharif) Bhadawa is sung by the Qawwals at the main entrance of the Shrine, which literally means one in praise of Allah, His Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) or famous Sufis (Auliya). poem or verse. ,
Badahwa is the only text with which only clap (clap) is played, and no other instrument is played. It was composed by Hazrat Syed Bahlol Chishti, one of the ancestors of the Khadims, who refers to Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti (Rahmatullah Alaih) as Khwaja Hasan Dan. After its recitation, the ritual of the clan ends and Fatiha is recited. The ceremony is closed at noon by cannon firing at 1:30 pm.