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 Biography of the hero Napoleon Bonaparte

      Britain was burying most of the European countries in the eighteenth century. There was a separate kingdom for itself without subordination to it. Corsica is a small island nation with only a handful of countries, including Italy and France, between the two countries. Corsica, with no development, was fighting for its independence under Italian rule. The lives of the people were going on in anticipation of revolution and poverty.


Biography of the hero Napoleon Bonaparte

      Vaughan led a revolutionary force that wanted the Corsican people to live in freedom. Carlo was getting advice from the next place to help him, he is a lawyer. His wife Leticia. Napoleon was one of 13 children born to the couple. In 1768, just as the Italians were leaving Corsica, they ceded it to France. France, which had captured Corsica, resorted to innovative methods.

       The general amnesty for Corsica fighters, the imprisonment if the royal life violates it – the question was posed. Many were bound by the magic of France. One of them was bound to France. Napoleon’s father Carlo did not know any other way at the time so he too made the decision of the majority. The French government provided everything his family needed. Napoleon, who attended school in Brianna with the concession of the French government, wanted his children to have the opportunity to study in French high schools.

      He continued his higher education at a military school in France. Dominant French students used to mock Napoleon because he belonged to Napoleon Corsica. It’s all teasing as style usage. Napoleon, a ten-year-old boy, stopped crying. At one point books were the only friends he had to inflict hatred on fellow students. The one who started reading books to get rid of loneliness read every book he could find. His book reading thus began to teach him about land ownership, the need for independence and many other things.
Because of this it was a shame for Napoleon to think that Corsica was under French control and that he was being educated with the help of France but France was not a country as dominant as Napoleon thought. It was not the people of that country who were led by the Louis kings. The people were treated as third class by the Louis Monarchs, with 90 per cent of the population in France dominated by just 10 per cent of the upper class.

      People who had been imprisoned for years were at one point in a rage. Thus the French government was overthrown when the struggle against King Louis XVI erupted. About the same time, Napoleon left military school and joined the French army against his native Corsica. Napoleon, a French soldier in costume, was mentally preparing himself for the liberation of Corsica.

       The young man planned to expel the French troops from Corsica with the military training he had received from the great French Empire. He took a leave of absence due to ill health and from time to time went to Corsica and began to work for liberation. Presumably all the attacks against the French army led by Napoleon were crushed and pulverized by the French troops. Knowing that it was Napoleon who was carrying out the attacks on France, the French government sacked him from the army.

     It was during this period that the French Revolution against King Louis took place. Knowing that the millions of people who had gathered in the streets could not control the people who were engaged in a struggle against the state, the ruling class had no choice but to arrest King Louis XVI and hang him in public.

    Following this, the new government took office. The new government betrayed the people who believed that the new government would function in a democratic way and began to operate under the control of the upper classes. It was in this context that Napoleon left Corsica and settled in France. With the overthrow of Louis Vuitton in France, Napoleon rejoined the army.

     In France, under the rule of King Louis again, some groups revolted in support of the flower. Napoleon was involved in the task of controlling them. It was then that the Napoleonic-led force launched an offensive against the British force that had captured the port of Ulan. To the astonishment of the military commanders themselves, the British forces retreated. Seeing Napoleon’s heroism in this battle, the military officers saw the beauty of being given the rank of Brigadier General in the French army in 1893.

      People praised Napoleon for embracing him like Namur did. But it did not last long. However he was deposed and felt humiliated by the military. Waiting for the moment to come for him, he realized that in 1796 the Austrian Satinian forces had arrived through the Italian occupation, and the French administration was looking for the right man to drive out the Austrian Satinian forces.

    The name Napoleon came to mind again to the French administration at a time when it was deliberating under whose leadership the force could be mobilized. Now it was the French administration that came looking for Napoleon. Now the French administration was astounded to hear of Napoleon’s strategy. Napoleon’s forces chased away Austrian Satinian forces during the war. He gained the key power to make war decisions on behalf of France.

     Napoleon’s name began to gain prominence during the invasion of the port of Ulon. Napoleon’s vision turned to Britain, which sent troops to Egypt with the aim of severing Britain’s trade relations with the Low Countries.

     Egypt’s Suez Canal was the gateway to the Middle East, and if it did, it would be a Czech model for the British Empire. Napoleon’s plan is to have an opportunity to establish trade relations with India. Following this he overthrew Alexandria. But Napoleon’s forces were defeated by the British navy at the Battle of the Nile in 1898, and Napoleon’s attempt to capture the East failed.

    To escape this defeat, Napoleon returned to the country after realizing that the political turmoil in France had been triggered by a series of defeats in the Ottoman Turkish-occupied Syrian province of Galileo. Established the system of government and accordingly many powers came into the hands of Napoleon with the title of Consul.

     Although advisory councils and the legislature were set up, the real authority rested with Napoleon. Napoleon’s leadership was a source of hope for people already exhausted by the French Revolution.

     With that support, Napoleon was crowned Emperor of France in 1804 at the age of thirty-five. In practice Napoleon served as dictator of France. This aside it is said that he ascended the throne as the emperor of the empire and sought to rewrite the history of Europe until 1815. He brought about a great revolution against the monarchy and brought the monarchy back to power. However, under his leadership various reforms were drastically carried out and Napoleon, who had won various wars, at one point brought the whole of Europe under his rule except the Ports, Britain and Scandinavia.

     It is said that he appointed his brothers and friends as rulers throughout the conquered lands. Napoleon’s attempts to bring Spain and the Portuguese under his control provoked opposition to Napoleon. Napoleonic forces appeared in some parts of Spain. Napoleon’s intention was to see Britain with one hand anyway.

      Britain, refusing to come under Napoleon’s control, introduced the Continental System. Accordingly, no country under French control could enter into any trade with Britain, but the operation did not succeed as Napoleon had hoped. .

     Napoleon was camping there so that the Shah of Russia would come to him and surrender. But the arrival of the Shah was accompanied by winter and severe cold. Tens of thousands of French soldiers lost their lives in starvation and cold before even thinking about the attack. Napoleon ordered the remaining soldiers to return to Paris with no other option. The one who went with 6 lakh soldiers returned with just twenty thousand soldiers. This great defeat brought Napoleon’s rule to an end. Napoleon used this moment to launch an offensive, and the Allied forces of Britain, Russia, and Austria suffered a major defeat.

       Following this, Napoleon was deported to Elba Island. But in a few days he escaped from there and mobilized his forces again and prepared for war. After living alone for a few months, he was crowned king again with the support of the French people. He had the support of the people and the support of his wives. So he enthusiastically created a new force. The ensuing battle of 1815 was Napoleon’s final battle. As usual all the European nations were a team, Napoleon started a fierce war as a separate team and the heat flew on both sides.

       Napoleon’s army was defeated due to the delay in the arrival of Napoleon’s deputy generals. It was later reported that Napoleon’s wife was behind the end of his history of greed to bring European nations under his control. It was suggested that only Napoleon’s resignation could alleviate the anger of the British government. Napoleon, who subsequently resigned, was detained by British troops at the port while sailing out of the country. This time they were imprisoned on the island of Helena, ten thousand kilometers from Europe.

      He lived a solitary life on the island until his final days. He died of stomach cancer in 1821. His body was buried on that island. In 1840 his bones were brought to France and a memorial hall was erected. Nostradamus‘ claim that he would die alone in his last days is said to have paid off.

     Napoleon’s life is no less interesting. When he was young, a woman selling snacks asked him what he wanted when he became a big man, to which Napoleon replied, “I will be emperor of France.” He went in search of him at the tender age when he became emperor of France and said this. Napoleon was very surprised to hear this.

      Controversial incidents in his life did not diminish. The then pope was invited to the inauguration ceremony. Napoleon, who was waiting for the crown to be warmed by his hand, snatched the crown from his hands and pointed at himself, wondering what would happen if the pope did not think the crown was against him.

     The impact of Napoleon, who gradually progressed from an ordinary soldier to a monarch who understood the dramatic wars and made the whole of Europe roar and stand up to the almighty pope and question and live as the simplest man and make the greatest impact in history, is not insignificant. There are those who say that Napoleon believed in horoscopes and invaded Russia in defiance of his Josiah’s predictions. Peace prevailed in France after Napoleon came to power. Reformed economic, political and legal reforms.

     Showed bridges over the river in France. He repaired the roads and built new roads. He improved the city’s water supply, increased employment, and introduced changes in tax collection. He established the Inbriel Bank in France. He gained by those laws a glory not found in nearly 40 wars. The essence is that everyone is equal before the law and they still remain French laws.

     Napoleon, who enjoys reading texts, sleeps about 4 hours a day. Thus he studied hard and the wealth of knowledge that elevated him beyond just being a hero to a king who ruled a nation brilliantly. Victory is the paradigm shift in the endeavor. This is the heroic mantra of Napoleon. Made it clear to the world that even a poor man who was not born into the royal dynasty could become king.

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