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Who Invented the Internet? | Deep Web vs. Dark Web

Internet, The Early Days of Networking: UCLA and Stanford’s Experiment

In 1969, two research teams at UCLA and Stanford conducted an experiment that marked the early days of computer networking. Led by Leonard Kleinrock, the teams achieved long-distance networking between computers, creating the first two-node network. Although the initial login attempt crashed, the experiment successfully demonstrated “packet switching,” a method of transferring data by breaking it into smaller packets and reassembling them at the destination. This breakthrough in packet switching laid the foundation for modern data transfer methods.

The Development of TCP/IP: Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn

Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, computer scientists, made significant contributions to the development of the Internet. In 1980, they introduced a set of guidelines for data transfer known as TCP/IP, which stands for Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol. TCP handles the packaging and unpackaging of data as it traverses the network, while IP coordinates the movement of information from its origin to its destination. These protocols provided the framework for an efficient and expansive web of interconnected networks.

TCP/IP: The Backbone of the Internet

While earlier protocols like FTP and NCP were used before TCP/IP, it was Cerf and Kahn’s invention that formed the basis of the Internet as we know it today. Their “network of networks” concept allowed for the seamless interconnection of various computer networks, leading to the term “Internet.” TCP/IP became the standard protocol for data transfer, ensuring reliable and efficient communication across the expanding global network.

The Internet, beyond its user-facing elements like browsers and websites, relies on a complex system of protocols and rules. Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn’s invention of TCP/IP provided the crucial communication protocols that enabled the Internet’s development. Building upon earlier experiments and innovations in packet switching, their contributions laid the groundwork for the interconnected network of networks that we now call the Internet.

The Distinction: Deep Web vs. Dark Web

Understanding the Deep Web

The deep web refers to a vast portion of the Internet that is not accessible through standard search engines. When we think of the deep web, it is important to note that it primarily consists of benign content and is not synonymous with the dark web. Password-protected email accounts, certain sections of subscription services like Netflix, and websites accessible only through online forms are examples of content found on the deep web. It is a significant part of the Internet, estimated to be 400-550 times larger than the surface web back in 2001 and continuing to expand exponentially.

Unveiling the Dark Web

The dark web, often mistakenly conflated with the deep web, is a specific subset within it. It comprises websites with hidden IP addresses and requires specialized software for access. Representing only a small fraction (0.01%) of the deep web, the dark web is known for its use of encryption software that anonymizes users and their locations. This anonymity fosters a breeding ground for illegal activities, such as drug and firearm transactions, pornography, and gambling. The infamous Silk Road, an online black market, was shut down by the FBI in 2013, highlighting the illicit nature of some dark websites.

Beyond Darkness: Multiple Faces of the Dark Web

Despite its association with illicit activities, the dark web also serves other purposes. It offers refuge to political whistle-blowers, activists, and journalists facing censorship or potential political repercussions. For instance, the renowned website WikiLeaks finds its home on the dark web, providing a platform for the release of classified information. These instances showcase the dual nature of the dark web, where its anonymity can be utilized for both noble and nefarious endeavors.

Dispelling Misconceptions

It is crucial to dispel the misconception that illegal activities and scams define the entirety of the deep web. While the dark web does harbor such elements, the deep web primarily comprises everyday content that is not readily searchable. Understanding the distinction between the deep web and the dark web allows for a more accurate perception of the Internet’s hidden layers and their respective functions.

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