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      How to bring an incident or topic among the people so that anger can arise from it. In the present time, from media and social media to political parties thus giving rise to resentment among the people, shows the life cycle of resentment. In this blog, I will tell you how resentment has a life cycle.

The Life Cycle of Resentment


 The Life Cycle of Resentment

    Every time an important event happens, a cycle of resentment is triggered. Here’s how to tell important information from shit streams in the social media age.

                         1-The Anger Begins

Moment Zero: An important event happens. Eyewitnesses and primary sources break the news. Statements are made. Videos are posted. Tweets are made.

Hour 1: Journalists scramble to spread the news of the important event far and wide. Much of this happens on Twitter, but placeholder web pages are thrown together on various news sites and cable news channels to give you “breaking news” about the important event with the latest car chases, even if someone doesn’t. Don’t have a clue what’s going on. This is the initial viral wave—let’s call it the “primary viral wave.”

First 24 hours: There is a gold rush within the first 24 hours to capitalize on the primary viral wave. Thousands of journalists, bloggers, influencers, celebrities, and politicians put their “takes” on this momentous event. These range from early quality education to sly attention to prostitution. Pretty much anyone who says anything even remotely remarkable about a momentous event immediately goes viral, their number of followers explodes, and their tweets are featured on news media outlets, which are now known to be Don’t even know what’s really going on.

24-48 hours: Of the thousands of “techs” posted in the last 24 hours, a few dozen come out as clear winners in terms of winning attention at the Colosseum. A handful of these narratives are repeated and shared to such an extent that they quickly become conventional wisdom and basic facts about the important event. Those who follow the news closely begin to inform their friends and family about the dinner and enjoy happy hours about what they have heard about the important event. It makes them feel informed and intelligent.

48-72 hours: The primary viral wave has reached its saturation point. There is nothing new to say about the facts of a significant event that has not already been said. As a result, fearless journalists, bloggers, writers, and influencers tend to take a closer look at the data and information of the primary viral wave. And of course, wouldn’t you know it, this video is fake! And that photo has been photoshopped! And that data analysis was done incorrectly!

My god, this is a scam!

Everything you know about the momentous event is wrong! The officers are lying to you. Mainstream media has cheated you. Again, damn it!

Fake content and propaganda that inevitably happens during any important event tend to come to light. This stirs outrage and fury among millions, thus creating another viral wave in social media and news services. Let’s call this the “reactive viral wave”.

                  The Reaction

     The reactionary viral wave is not a single narrative like the primary viral wave, but a collection of anti-establishment narratives colored by various interest groups and cultural identities. The authority on how rights and freedoms are being violated will be void. Left-wingers will exacerbate any injustice or prejudice.


    Those who live to fight racism will find racism in the narratives of the primary viral wave. Those who are living to promote free markets will find overbearing and corrupt governments in the narratives of the primary viral wave. Like a global Rorschach test, the critical event does not change one’s personal views, but only reflects the views before them.

Since the reactionary viral wave is made up of several combative takes on the momentous event, people soon become embroiled in conflicts and dogfights about who is to blame and whose fault. While the primary viral wave creates a desire for unity and understanding among all, the reactionary viral wave isolates everyone and brings them back to their small tribal camps.

Weeks 1-2: Various competitive reactionary viral waves have reached peak saturation within their respective audiences. In an effort to maintain attention and interest, various news outlets and influencers have tallied the rhetoric to 11. Words like “traitor,” “criminal,” and “racist” are thrown around so much that they lose much of their meaning. Mandatory Hitler and Stalin references have been made. Conspiracy theories spread. Everyone is angry and upset with everyone else.

 If there’s anything true in the age of social media, it’s that stories will evolve so that they can grab as much attention as they can. This means that any take will eventually be taken to its peak. News anchors who expressed mild concern about the war a week ago would turn into an apocalypse. Expert researchers who once appeared on TV to give measured advice will be replaced by doom and anarchists. Douchey influencers and television pundits would attempt absurd posts for no reason, this would upset Twitter and talk about them again.

 Third wave

  It is in the midst of this chaos that the third brand of journalist or influencer steps in and essentially tells everyone to calm the crap. These influential and thought leaders are political moderates who publish their content free so that they do not see the corrupt economics of the attention game.

These rhetorical, “let’s take a minute and calm down” voices then launch the third and final viral wave caused by a significant event, the Anti-Reactionary Viral Wave. And because the anti-reactionary viral wave is so measured and alert as to be accurate and unbiased, it accomplishes what no other viral wave can: it annoys people. Sure, it educates them to the point where they eventually calm down, but it’s fucking boring.

The truth is that listening to a historian discuss Russian history for three hours on a podcast is enough to show millions of people that they don’t really think about the war as much as they thought.

Thus, his attention turns to whatever is dazzling and exciting in tonight’s basketball game, whether the stock market crashes next week, his kid singing the piano…

…until the next important event happens and they are thrown down the fairytale stairs again.

And not only do they go through viral waves over and over again, but like a magic trick that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, after the show, they will be shocked and surprised and scared every time, in the same amount and measure…

And the most amazing thing is that with each important event scrutinizing the previous one from the hip meditation spotlight, they’ll actually forget that most of these important events happened in the first place.

It’s a shame because if they remember all the important events they’ve forgotten in recent years, they’ll probably realize that many weren’t really “important.”

And even worse, when something really important happens, it seamlessly mixes with the stream of shit going on in the age of social media.

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