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 World Heritage Day 2022 – 18 April (Monday)

      For any country, its heritage is its priceless culture. The identity of any country and the information about its civilization is known only from this heritage. Today these heritages are doing the work of increasing the pride of the country. To see whom lakhs of tourists from the country and abroad go from one country to another, from one state to another every year. If this heritage is not this heritage, then we will never be able to know the history of anyone. The past is very important for every person, every country. It is very important to know when, what, and where happened in history. World Heritage Day is celebrated all over the world on 18 April every year with the aim of keeping alive the culture of these events, civilizations, and history. ICOMOS (International Council for Monuments and Sites) organized a symposium in Tunisia on 18 April 1982. In which it was suggested that it is necessary to choose a special day to preserve the civilization and the protection of this heritage so that the public can be made aware. As a result, the day of April 18 was chosen. Which is celebrated every year as World Heritage Day so that our coming generations can be well acquainted with their civilization and history. This year World Heritage Day will be celebrated on 18 April (Sunday).

World Heritage Day 2022 - 18 April (Monday)

History of World Heritage Day

         World Heritage Day was first celebrated on 18 April 1982 in Tunisia by the ‘International Council of Monuments and Sites. An international organization put forward a proposal in 1968 to protect world-famous buildings and natural sites. This resolution was placed before the United Nations in 1972 during an international conference in Stockholm, Sweden, where this resolution was passed. In this way, almost all the countries of the world together took an oath to protect their historical and natural heritage. “UNESCO World Heritage Centre” came into existence. A total of 12 sites in the world were included in the list of World Heritage Sites on 18 April 1978. This day was then celebrated as “World Monuments Day”. But UNESCO recognized it in the month of November 1983 and changed this day to “World Heritage Day”. There were a total of 911 World Heritage Sites, of which 704 are historical and cultural, 180 natural, and 27 mixed sites. This day celebrates the diversity of heritage all over the world.

India’s world heritage

India is a country that has been ruled by rulers from different religious and cultural backgrounds like Aryans, Guptas, Mughals, British, etc. and all of them have left their mark on Indian soil in the form of monuments and sites. Whether it is the Taj Mahal, the symbol of love built by Shah Jahan, or the Red Fort, Qutub Minar built by Qutubuddin or Charminar, Humayun Tomb, or Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal, all these heritages introduce us to the ancient culture of India. It is only because of their protection that they are safe and revived now. World Heritage Day provides an opportunity to connect with these different civilizations. There is a big history hidden behind every home in India. Which gives India an opportunity to present itself in front of the world.

Importance and conservation of heritage

‘World Heritage Day’ has great significance for every person. This World Heritage Day is celebrated with the aim of spreading awareness about the importance, protection, and conservation of sites recognized as World Heritage. Actually, this is an occasion when we tell people how much effort is being made to preserve our historical and natural heritage for the coming generations. At the same time, this day also tells how much maintenance is needed for this heritage of ours. Our ancestors used all kinds of tombs, mosques, temples, and other things as a symbol for us so that we can remember them in the times to come. But before the beat of time, many times his memories were badly damaged. We ourselves have neglected the memories saved in books, buildings, and any other form, as a result of which our precious heritage gets away from us and their existence is also in danger. Keeping all these things in mind and with the aim of creating awareness among people about historical buildings etc., ‘World Heritage Day’ was started. World Heritage or Heritage are those sites of cultural importance and natural importance which are very important. There are many such places that are considered important as historical and environmental. These sites also have international importance and at the same time, constant efforts are made to save them. These heritages reflect our culture and give information about our history. It is necessary to take steps to save our history or our heritage. Understanding the needs of World Heritage and the need to protect them, they are being well looked after today. For the purpose of not losing our culture, old dilapidated buildings have been repaired, ruined buildings and palaces have been scattered by making their tourist places. Books and souvenirs have been placed in the museum. But still, there are some people who are not respecting this heritage, they are spoiling their beauty by writing messages about them. After eating paan, gutkha, etc., they are leaving traces of spit on them. This heritage is very priceless, we should respect them.

India’s heritage

    World Heritage Day lays the foundation for the history of any nation, its present and future. The more glorious the history of a country, the higher its place will be considered on the global stage. Although the past never comes back, the buildings built in that period and the literature written keep them alive forever. World heritage sites are considered to be important indicators of the civilization of any nation and its ancient culture. There are a total of 1052 World Heritage Sites around the world. Of these, 814 are cultural, 203 natural, and 35 mixed sites. There are currently 35 World Heritage Sites in India including 27 cultural, 7 natural, and 1 mixed.

world heritage sites of India

  1. Agra Fort (1983)
  2. Ajanta Caves (1983)
  3. Kaziranga National Park (1985)
  4. Keoladeo National Park (1985)
  5. Nalanda Mahavihara (Nalanda University), Bihar (2016)
  6. Sanchi Buddhist Monument (1989)
  7. Kangchenjunga National Park (2016)
  8. Elephanta Caves (1987)
  9. Ellora Caves (1983)
  10. Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park (2004)
  11. Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi (1993)
  12. Red Fort Complex (2007)
  13. Group of Monuments at Khajuraho (1986)
  14. Valley of Flowers and National ParkNanda Devi  (1988)
  15. Sunderbans National Park (1987)
  16. Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya (2002)
  17. Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) (2004)
  18. Churches and Convents of Goa (1986)
  19. Fatehpur Sikri (1986)
  20. Great Living Chola Temple (1987)
  21. Group of Monuments at Hampi (1986)
  22. Group of Memorials at Mahabalipuram (1984)
  23. Group of Memorials at Pattadakal (1987)
  24. Hill Fort in Rajasthan (2013)
  25. Mountain Railway of India (1999)
  26. Qutub Minar and its monuments, Delhi (1993)
  27. Rani-ki-Vav Patan, Gujarat (2014)
  28. Rock Shelter of Bhimbetka (2003)
  29. Sun Temple, Konarak (1984)
  30. Taj Mahal (1983)
  31. Architectural Work of La Corbusier (2016)
  32. Jantar Mantar, Jaipur (2010)
  33. Himalayan National Park Conservation Area (2014)
  34. Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (1985)
  35. Western Ghats (2012)

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